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Everything posted by mackay

  1. mackay


    There was a reason Bliar done away with the treason law. Reinstate it and start building gallows on parliament square.
  2. If this guy gets sacked (and if the video footage is accurate) he should. It'll trigger a bye election and reform were second in that seat, It would be nuts for folks not to vote for them because of Tice.
  3. So... it was a terrorist attack, and...Farage was right.
  4. mackay


    So where does that leave us?. The only way anything is going to happen is by political means, if that's it all over because people can't see the bigger picture then we deserve everything that is coming to us. You can march and wave flags, have speeches until hell freezes over, won't make a blind bit of difference.
  5. mackay


    As I'm sure a lot of people did mate. My point being a lot of people complaining (and probably marching) don't vote because they think there isn't any point.
  6. mackay


    I wonder how many of those marching, waving union flags etc actually voted.
  7. mackay


    I understand why a lot of people are pissed off with Tice and therefore reform. But In my humble opinion the only way things will change (other than a full blown revolution, which might be what is required) is by a political party, sqeaky clean , whiter than white taking council seats then councils then having mp's to make changes. Other than that there will be no recognition or respect for our views. I take my hat off to the people that gathered and marched, but lets be brutally honest it will make not a jot of difference. It's people venting their anger and frustration and then going home an
  8. As my old man was fond of saying, they don't promote anyone who is a threat or better than they themselves.
  9. There's a slight possibility you could outrun a big fat f****r that struggles to walk or perhaps get over a fence or up a tree or something Much less chance of escaping or outrunning a fit 35lb good to go type.
  10. I've seen some big clits but that's a belter.
  11. Now it might well be the circles I move in, but, I genuinely don't know a single person who is pro immigration on any level. In fact it would be fair to say they are in fact the polar opposite. I had two council workers out at my place recently, a man and a woman. Anyway the topic of immigration comes up as it seems to be what everyone is talking about. Only real way to stop it says the guy is to flatten a few boats coming over the channel. The woman is standing there nodding her head in agreement. They didn't know me from Adam, they didn't care who I was. That's where we are now, well t
  12. Catch and cook at the same time, what's not to like.
  13. I didn't agree with his politics but he was way above the runts that came after him.
  14. Totally agree mate, I've said before I actually loathe the bstrards that are allowing this invasion more than the actual invaders.
  15. And if every man and dog on the street can see it how come consecutive governments here and all over europe can't ?. Simple, it's orchestrated and meant to happen.
  16. mackay


    The thing I've always found strange though regarding the powers that be wanting to control all aspects of our daily life, is that they are solely responsible for flooding this island with tribes that they will have no control over. The ones getting off the boats won't cow tow to them the way your average indigenous muppet will.
  17. mackay


    That's a hard in.
  18. I despise the lily livered bas*ards who ignored it and looked the other way as much as and possibly more than the scum who commited these crimes. It won't happen as we know but they should be looking at jail time as well.
  19. It's been proven beyond doubt that the poll tax is way more fairer than the council tax.
  20. I went to a really great school, it was approved.
  21. mackay


    Feck me mate, have they sorted your medication out. You're coming out with some right sensible posts lately.
  22. 9 years by any stretch of the imagination is a joke. I'll watch with interest the sentencing of the labour counciller, incite to murder, got to be double figures going with that sentencing.
  23. Sources saying the bottom basically fell out of the boat with 60/70 migrants on board. Twelve or more dead, a couple missing. Six children, six woman , one being pregnant.
  24. Never thought I'd be saying this, but play them at their own game. Sue the bstard and the police whilst you're at it.
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