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Everything posted by mackay

  1. I agree, got to be one of the above, it's not possible to get it so wrong and let it be wrong so blatantly and for so long. Its intentional for why?, I'm not sure.
  2. Irregular migration?, seriously.
  3. Well if he does agree with Lowe shouldn't he tell him that. Robert Jenrick is starting to sound better than Farage.
  4. I'm starting to think the same mate. Designed to make the masses feel they have an option and keep us in check. We actually now at this point need a party far far to the right of reform to halt this rot. I personally now don't think reform are that party.
  5. I think Farage and Tice etc have totally read the room wrong. Rupert Lowe resonates with the British man in the street way more than they do. I think this could seriously damage reform.
  6. Could work the other way. Both membership and poll ratings could increase. I would have thought deportations for illegals was what any reform voter would be looking for. It would seem now they're only slightly to the right of the tories. Waste of time.
  7. Ben Habib, Rupert Lowe and the others should join ukip.
  8. A serious question, no wind, pish or bravado. Does anyone think there will be an uprising of the indigenous British. Or have we all been mentally gelded?.
  9. I'm well aware of that. However whether you agree or not by buying Russian fuel we are financing their war against Ukraine. So basically we're right behind Ukraine until we're not.
  10. What if Russia are using the money from the sale of oil and gas to finance the war against Ukraine?.
  11. A few things actually, firstly being shafted at every level by the eu because we voted (with a democratic referendum) to leave the EU, now we're their mate and fcuk America and Trump because it suits them as he's refusing to bankroll them now. Possibly and to me more importantly, flooding Britain and a lot of European countries with unfettered unchecked levels of immigration from countries that are as much if not more of a danger to us than any fcuking Russian. They've systematically and in full view done more damage to Britain and Europe than Putin. Difference with our european leaders they'
  12. Is that the same EU thats been shafting us in any and every way possible since we voted for Brexit?.
  13. True story. Few years back I was up north at my mates and me, him and his son ended up in a pub in Campbeltown which happened to have a pool table. I mentioned to the son I was a decent pool player in my day but hadn't played for years to which he asked if I wanted to play for twenty quid. Now he's a tight wee git so I'm thinking must be confident. Went so far as to tell me so. Ok says I and off we go, well he was shit and I mean shit. Gets my twenty quid (eventually) and told him so. Turns out he'd only ever played pool on his phone. Quick learner though, he declined double or quits.
  14. You know what?, perhaps they aren't. Bottom line is, we shouldn't be relying on the French, we as a country should be securing our own borders. Just another limp dick strategy so that consecutive British governments can deflect from their own failings.
  15. According to the French they're doing all they can and the blame lies directly with consecutive British governments being to generous (agree) and giving them too much incentive to come (agree).
  16. I would very much doubt Glasgow was at any time ever the genuine murder capital of Europe.
  17. Anyone know what the guitar music is at the start and end of the video ?.
  18. Every council building in my area is closed tomorrow. Oh and don't put your bin out it's not being emptied.
  19. Just got my government warning on my phone.
  20. Yep, you could be excused for thinking they were pushing an agenda.
  21. It just shows the level of contempt the establishment hold the people of this country in when they try and pass that bstard off as a welsh school boy.
  22. I've known like many people about the cover ups. The reason we're discussing it now is that it's in the spotlight, and, brought into the spotlight by a man who didn't need to give a shit about it, but did. I don't care how we got here, I'm just glad that we are, and if it's giving those guilty of neglect sleepless nights as to their future even better. A full enquiry, bring it on.
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