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About OzTerrier

  • Rank
    Born Hunter

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  1. We get those toothy fish down here all the time hahaha. There is a cull of them happening over in WA (Western Australia) at the moment because they are "apparently" encroaching on peoples "swimming areas". Thats total bullshite in my opinion, its the bloody ocean and the sharks are the apex predator, its their playground not ours. If people wish to play in the sharks dinner bowl then they should accept the fact that they are not the apex predator. Where else are the sharks supposed to go.
  2. Nice dogs mate, they identical to our Australian Mini Foxie's. Similar to a JRT but smaller bone structure, height, head ect. Great little terrier though full of energy.
  3. Absolutely mate, nothing wrong with a runt of a litter. Your spot on about the JRT's, they have the heart of a lion and think they are 10ft high and bullet proof.
  4. Geeezus christ that is very light, how small are they..? my little bitch is tiny and she is 8kg.
  5. did you lose that dog before.. i see the green tag lol. im from victoria also. did you lose that dog before.. i see the green tag lol. im from victoria also. Nah mate never lost her before. She hasn't been out in the field much TBH
  6. Merry Christmas to you lot over the other side of the pond, have a safe and happy new year and then get stuck into some hunting. P.S Are you Brits enjoying the Ashes , I sure am.
  7. Seems to be the same stance we get from ol bill over here.
  8. swap you for a dingo hahahahah I would do that in a heartbeat mate, only problem is we dont have them down here where I am. Plenty of wild dogs up in the mountains though, $100 bounty on them too due to the damage they cause to farmers livestock.
  9. Ive got it why..? Oh just curious with your post being 2 months after the first one. I haven't been on here much, just recently started lurking through some older threads.
  10. Wouldn't mind one of those Patterdale Terriers one day, they seem to have plenty of hunt drive and I reckon they would be fantastic for foxes over here.
  11. Yep very sad, he was a great man and an icon in the Australian hunting scene
  12. Absolutely agree with you there mate, tight place are ideal for the little JRT's. This little girl is 7 now and stands 11.5" at the shoulder so she is very small, but deadly on any rat that she comes across, she has copped a few bites but it doesn't stop her.
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