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bull mcabe

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Everything posted by bull mcabe

  1. He even has bottles of eye drops on the book shelf all terrain nothing gets in the way of his reading lol
  2. Haha let's just say I like a nice working type ?
  3. Oh f**k another can of worms opened ??
  4. Jaysus chesney I thought mine were ugly. Gotta be worker him
  5. So what are you complaining about pat keeping the dog for so if he was such a wanker and you wouldn't want to go and get it back. I also said yere dog not yours ....as in one of you're crew's dog. I'm not talking about me being a stranger I'm on about you telling complete strangers on this site all about your problems when ye could air them with the man who caused them. So what if pat told you to f**k off....is that going to make you put your tail between your legs and run away. We're just going to have to agree to disagree on a few things here cos I doubt either of us has time for this shit.
  6. Without knowing at the time he was a thieving c**t. Believe me I've had it out with the man face to face and on the phone over certain issues and left nothing unsaid. Not like you... still bitching and whining years later to complete strangers on a forum. When all you had to do was go down and get the dog back as it was rightfully yere dog. I know what I would have done. The pd I know would have shit himself if he saw a one of ye outside his house let alone 2 of ye......and here we years later......blah blah blah whine whine whine grow a pair mate
  7. Untill the next time you start whining about it again.
  8. We can keep banging on about this and that but the real issue you have is with pat. As I said earlier I haven't had any dealings with the man in years but it still seems to be a sore point with you what he did and rightly so in my opinion. I still think you need to be talking to him not me
  9. I only heard that story of ali years after it happened. As I said it's another fine example of pat. But I saw the dog plenty of times in the ground he wasn't the best and wasn't the worst in the digs I saw. Explain how I'm contradicting myself pls
  10. How am I contradicting myself give me one example of a contradiction. And you haven't answered my question how did I not see the dog? I'm well aware this happened years ago I didn't just fall out of the sky
  11. Each time the ali dog gets mentioned on here mixed grill you keep on about the dog should have been given back up to ye by pat and he said he was getting his cronies to do this and to do that. I don't condone what he done for one second no decent dog man would it's just another fine example of what pat turned into. An absolute prick and look at him now he's billy no mates look what good it all did him. But why don't you have it out with him and not bother whine about it on here 2 or 3 times a year to people that don't even know the man. This is what I was on about when I said let's not ruin a
  12. What do you mean I didn't see the dog?? How the f**k do you know what I saw. And as for keep the spoofs for pat. I haven't spoken to him in years I found out the measure of that man years ago. So I haven't a clue what you're on about. So if you're on about me licking up to pat that's definitely not the case and you're saying I didn't see the dog..............yes buddy I did?
  13. Firstly I don't think this thread should be ruined by going over things which have been covered before. All I can say on the matter is I saw the dog dig a serious amount of game when he was down south and the boys that had him were no dopes that's for certain. The dog could struggle at timesto find again after a shift but I never saw the dog leave an earth without his game. Be it right or wrong in some people's eyes that he was bred from the blood that's around now that goes back to him is doing the business for alot of boys down here including myself. I can't argue with those results.
  14. Correct me if I'm wrong but fox dropper and mixed grill seem like two little school boy bullies. One pipes up and the others not far behind. As I said correct me if I'm wrong as ye two no doubt will but I'd say yere two bellends ?
  15. Ding ding. Round 1. If all that's true I hope you slap the head off the c**t
  16. Used lots of different ones over the years but find parazole gets me the best results on my adult dog's not just the pups.
  17. Went to the bellman years ago but found deben mk3 with the pinpoint dial absolutely spot on. Noisy but as precise as anything I'd seen really.
  18. Fair play to the old boy. I love the top picture of him in the boot with the lurchers.
  19. Who cares..... it's only a show! Why do people lose there stand up about who's judging a beauty competion??
  20. Seen them go a few days over but if it goes to 5 or more days over I'd be a little bit concerned about things. In the grand scheme of a 63 day gestation period 5 or 6 days can be quite a long time. If a bitch was mated a few times you could be over the 63 days but she may not have caught on the first mating it could have been the third mating for example in which you'd still be within reason with the 63 days. Keep a good eye on the bitch and if things don't seem right with her get to the vet straight away.
  21. Image of a bitch I bred called witch a few years back. Credit to you roundmouth
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