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Everything posted by wildfowler-2007

  2. Sounds like the kids from my area of scotland they get ferrets and leave them if they dont come up after 10min shocking we know but they always seem to get ferrets from someone the only young lads i know that ferret without nets regards
  3. Hi if you cant find a young lad to take this i will pay the postage for you to send it to me i like these nets for goose shooting cheers Regards
  4. Yip mate it was some laugh eh and lunch was a delight never mind the food what about the red wine and home made brew LOL Regards
  5. I have killed 2 in early sep on some land i have in fife lucky i have not seen anymore in the area with it hope it stay's this way. Regards
  6. Well i had three french client's out today after some rabbit's. I made a quick call to my new sidekick kreet to get his dog and ferret's ready and it was off up to meet the client's and it was a decent day with them shooting 63 rabbit's photo below there was some good fun to go along with the shooting. 2 outing's so far this season accounted for 104 rabbit's back out on friday with the same french clients so more to follow Keep hunting Regards
  7. I cant belivie what i see some people post on here it's make's me sick seeing people like this shooting pheasants with a rifle and also out of season some are not even ready to shoot untill the last week in oct never mind 3rd week in sep ADVICE learn the trade boy's before posting on here you just give them anti's ammo Regards
  8. Ok i keep ferret's and there kept for one reason and one reason only what they where born to do and that is hunt and kill rabbit's i dont keep pet's sorry even my dog's are working dog's and not pet's i hate the kid's etc playing with them Anyway below is a photo of what ferret's where made for hunting this was took today bolted over 100 rabbit's with our ferret's and shot 63 rabbit's All the best and keep hunting Regards
  9. ar-right uncle andrew why are u not talking to me please talk to me

  10. What do you mean shot the foreshore you mean around loch leven ???? If you mean around loch leven shooting the loch is way out my price range I started working as a goose guide many years ago around loch leven and only stay 5 mile along the road from the loch and i still shoot around the loch with my ex-boss and good friend and fellow guide alan croston Regards
  11. f.........ker i have been out over the past 3-4 day's to see if there where any arriving yet but good to know there arriving now cheers foxkiller Regards
  12. Hi snake what type of duck call you looking for i might have one here to give you are you sure your a wee kid Regards
  13. Sunday price drop £30 for quick sale Regards
  14. Hi i have 12 full body pigeon decoy's and a realtree leaf-cut camo net for sale I am looking for £35 this will include the cost of postage Answer by pm only Thank you Regards
  15. Well done it's called goose fever mate you get it when the season is about to start and i get it now waiting on them pink's to arrive not seen a pink yet hoping they arrive soon though nothing better than shooting your 1st goose that is you hooked now but do please tell us it was flying ???? anyway great your happy with your 1st goose i am still waiting on my 1st of this season. V-MAX i know where your talking about as mother in law saty's in kemany close to skene and i am always out looking around that area i seen the same greys on the same field for around 1 week up there Regards
  16. Another great loss to the forum Regards
  17. 40 gypsies arrive at the Pearly Gates in their transit vans and caravans. St Peter goes into the gatehouse and phones God saying, "I've got 40 travellers here, can I let them in." God says, "We're over quota with pikeys, go and tell them to chose between themselves which 12 are the most worthy, and I will just let them in." Less than a minute later St Peter is on the phone to God again. "They've gone!", he tells God. "What!" says God, "All 40 of them." "No, the gates!" ......
  18. Great write up lads and pity about the head as it would have been a cracker if the other point was there and not broke regards
  19. Hi your better joining a photo hosting site it's easy from there 2 quick step's best one is www.photobucket.co.uk it's free and will hold all your photo's for you after you upload your photo's on to photo bucket you just scroll over image bottom of your photo and past on to here and bingo I hope you understand and good luck regards
  20. If only you was near us as we give them away all though the season people around my way dont know what's good for them regards
  21. pmsl i thought it was only big dog's over there not big rabbit's lol regards
  22. I stay around them they are a great bunch of people as members have said they know more about hunting with dogs than most. not ever one is a dog thief this was a cracking thread until some bangers jumped on the wagon regards
  23. Great write up and you will always remember that one i cant belivie you missed out on getting coverd in the blood but hey many more to follow regards
  24. Cheers for that V-max good to know they are on there way back not long now till there is 40,000 kepping you happy morning and night
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