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Everything posted by wildfowler-2007

  1. you are not jokeing and i have the best area in fife every wood holds roe but i still would not say it was easy but like rabbits yes and its great fun as you know cant beat a good stalk
  2. pigeons up here are hard work at the moment also still flocked up best time is 1st couple of hours in the morning good luck regards
  3. great shooting ian and great photo's need to get in to the deer on my ground was out at the rabbits the other morning and counted 26 roe on the way so need to clear some up always good to keep the farmer happy by giving him some wise man regards
  4. welcome mate look forward to you visiting aging some time busy with geese at the moment regards
  5. well one of my clients shot a pinkfoot 2 weeks ago with a neck ring and a foot ring the 1st one this season i have had a few over the years us goose guides put them around our necks with our call's i have had a few of wild duck's so always mind check them aswell regards
  6. it was a great to have you and even better seeing you with the huge smile on your face after the long stalk and the doe was in the bag the fox is awaiting your next trip up still waiting on my ref from you as you can see photo on my site regards
  7. cracking morning v-max i have seen that back ground before many geese on the basin at the moment ?? v-max i have a photo of a white roe deer i want to show you but i cant find your e-mail address as i know this photo will intrest you regards
  8. i have used haydel's call's for years the snow goose call is a great call for pink's and the double reed for mallard is also good i use a olt-800 for greylags
  9. chris i did not know your you was looking for stuff i just gave wee brandon 17 rabbits and 8 phesants 2 geese the other day next time i have a load i will contact you was out bolting rabbits the other day 19 we got in 2 hours cracking morning aswell
  10. hi everyone looking for inland goose shooting in aberdeenshire with andrew richardson regards
  11. i have to agree with the above as i work full time as a sporting guide and boy is it hard work up at 4 am and not home till late at night i dont get the time to shoot much why dont you try pest control a other top job in the countryside all the best regards
  12. welcome to the site hutchie i dont agree with you saying hammer the geese there is no need to hammer them and every true wildfowler will only take a couple of geese at most its not about large bags its about just getting under them for a shot regards
  13. bobo you are spot on this kreet is more intrested in getting smashed and jumping about the street's than working his dog's but i have info that his woman is hard work but hey should never have had them in the 1st place if she was not happy with him having them regards
  14. decent bag there are plenty woodcock around now regards
  15. yes i do make a living out of taking client's inland goose shooting but let me tell you they are under my order of when to shoot and i can say no high shots at out of range geese i have been around shooting geese for some time and i know my range and what is to high and the topic you have here is people taking sky high shots at geese no what i make my living at regards
  16. vist the gamekeepers section there are a few threads on this
  17. sorry v-max mixed my word's the best time as you will know is right now when the moon is 3/4 to full but there has been little cloud so far anyway what sort of numbers are on the basin not been over that way in while as i hear the guide over there is finding it hard going at the moment i am lucky i have a wee pond where around 1500 geese roost every night that's what its all about finding these wee quite spot's regards wildfowler-2007
  18. v-max shooting geese under the moon can be some of the finest shooting around well as you know there need's to be decent cloud cover if your on a field use paper wrapped up as the geese think this is the white in bird under the moon calling is 90% and decoy's 10% under the moon up your area i know it's when the tide come's in that push the geese of but i think it's when the full moon has set that the geese start to move and always mind when you get there the geese might be there when you get there but they will come back as they move around under the moon for hours i hope this is of some help
  19. hi v-max i am not sure if the other 2 where her kid's as there are quite a few doe's around in this area but i will be back soon to clear them up regards
  20. I know Gaz,i should have finished my rant at the weekend,but i'm still smarting.Flicked through the rags Sunday,not a mention of the Scotland game,just more s***e about the BIG game with Croatia I was watching Inside Sport last night,and Paul Parker (former England international) hit the nail on the head.Quote "England team and the media have no respect for other teams,they seem to think they are better than everybody,and that they should be winning world cups,when actually they are not a very good side,and very overated" Straight from the horse's mouth. whos going to the finals engl
  21. well all i can say is scotland gave itay a flight right till the end england have no flight in them at all poor display so far
  22. well look's like england are going out with a whimperboy's 15 min gone and down 2-0 watching scotland go out with there heart on there sleve on saturday does not feel so bad now it least we where robbed what is england's excuse ???????
  23. well i am glad you enjoyed your trip down to the shore i know what you mean by these gun's comming up from down south and shooting at the geese way way to high we had the same problem many years ago around loch leven where a farmer used to have a couple of bale hide's on the top of a slight hill on his field a main flight line out of the loch and he used to let his cottage out to so-called wildfowlers and boy did they try and hit geese at some way up me and the guide i worked for at the time started to call them the high flyers but now this farm has went back in to decent hand's and kinross es
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