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Everything posted by TheDeal

  1. Yeh not ideal but if I don't do it someone else willHe needs to practise his shooting though,lol
  2. Been having some hard rain here and there but soaking straight up then the suns back out can't win
  3. Out with the local farmer this morning so the dog could do a bit of retrieving for him Not much about as its been hammered and there all running in the distance, One real long shot dog done well to reel it in and settle in retrieved near enough to hand Didn't get the dog back on the lead and the other one took him up the concrete farm track and out in the rape boxed it i out the cover then game over, Left him off then as he split a pad on the road I think ,not lame but the grounds to hard really Happy farmer anyway!!
  4. Nice pups there all looking well ,how old are they now?
  5. So thats how you stop them fen hares slip them all.lol
  6. Jeans and a reggata jacket ,trainers or wellys depending where im going.and sometimes an old pair of chinos look the part lol dont wear tracksuits either hang of you in the wet or get caught on a fence and the thornes hurt
  7. I get out around Kent a fair bit there's some good spots if you know where your going I'm from Hampshire got plenty to go at from just walking from my place, but when im in kent it beats sitting around the in laws lol
  8. Yeh knew it was hot but a friend of mine got a couple of spots there he has a few then goes but I'm in Kent most weekends and heard it was good running but red hot.
  9. How much does it cost and do they tell you %'s ?
  10. With A big thanks to salukixgrey for giving him to me , He's an old bike really lol Bob Then the pup for the back end of the season
  11. Did anyone run On Romney marsh preban? Could the hares get going?
  12. This dogs coming 5 and done a lot in his career I just got him and il give him a good season then next year he can bring the pup on Thanks.
  13. There looking well there give them a life come winter.
  14. Yeh i know of them all it is ive a dog here i got of a woman whos husband is inside all she knew was it was out of jack and a saluki but the dogs 15 month old and im didnt know if it was straight out of jack or if jack is his grand sire if so i dont know if sire or dam was the saluki .he give fair money for thd dog and his litter sister hes out in a couple of months so il ask him then but think they was bred around hants/berks most the litter was black n tan does any one know of the litter?
  15. Might be a silly question but how long has he been gone? and i now theres some gooduns out of him . Any pictures of stuff direct and grandsire to would be good thanks.
  16. That's a nice setup mate How much was the asking for that ? Bet it would scare you
  17. Nice dogs That Black and Tan dog is the double of mine How's he goin for you
  18. What do you put on nicks and cuts? I've always used either salt water or purple spray to clean Any other suggestion ?
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