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Gaz 177

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Everything posted by Gaz 177

  1. Hi and welcome to the forum I'm more into my hft shooting myself, but you may want to take a look at verminhunterstv on youtube - if you have not done so already? Failing that i'm sure you can get some advice off the more experienced fellow members on here atb
  2. Nice start Steve, look forward to regular updates and the finished article I'm sure once finished you'll spend many a good hour tinkering away
  3. Very nice indeed, ideal for future THL meets Hot tub in the rear or maybe a BBQ ???
  4. Nice post and piks Skot The 98 truly is a cracking rifle and like risingfriend, I am just bedding mine in too Now me and bro have got a small dilemma as in do we use them in the up and coming Southern Hunters HFT series? Would be interesting to see how we get on, compared to last year (our first) when we used our pcp,s Decisions, decisions Lol...
  5. Fair play Maxtich, always nice to hear of decent folk
  6. Welcome to the forum and a nice rifle to be starting out with
  7. Aye it is. Verry nice indeed. Put about 40-50 shots though it in no time at all. Could sit with it plinking all day its so nice to shoot I use to think my 97 sfs s2 was lovely to shoot but imo this is possibly even better I did spend a fair amount of time just plinking at the THL meet this weekend and managed to put a fair few pellets through her whilst on the range & at one stage I remember looking down the firing line and there were 3 others all shooting a 98, now what a lovely sight that was Lol...
  8. What can I say other than another quality THL meet as usual and well run / organised by a great bunch of lads Big thanks to Davy, Si, Chaz and the K team Great to meet up with old and new friends If you have never been to one of these meets before or have simply been thinking about it make sure you get your name down for the next one
  9. That's a nice little HW family Skot gotta say shooting a 98 is a real joy as i'm sure you will agree
  10. Welcome to the forum Wayne, it was nice to meet you and glad you enjoyed your first meet and hft experience ATB Gary
  11. OBJECTION!! Do you ever sleep? He's just rehearsing for another all nighter at the meet
  12. Erm how does Gaz 22 sound bro? Does not sound as gay bruv lol Better not mention gaystates then a bro Oops going off topic again
  13. What are you like Skot although gotta say there is something about the little ultra
  14. Nice groups bro and im sure between the two of us we can come up with a good story to explain it's disappearance Providing I get to shoot it that is?
  15. Nice read and good review, simply cannot wait to take my delivery, hopefully ALL fingers crossed I may have it in time for the THL meet Oh well all good things and that
  16. Nice vid guy's, look forward to the next installment
  17. Mind you come to think of it you normally get to see a few zombies on the Saturday morning after the Friday nights drinking at the THL meets If you don't believe me just ask Daz 7 and DavyT
  18. Don't know bowt you lot but I think it would make a great vid / episode for verminhunters tv
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