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Everything posted by gosling1960

  1. Good luck lads working cant make this one.
  2. List of attendees below please add a (Y) next to your name if you can make the whole weekend Si Pittaway (Y) Rob Hampton. ​(Y) Possible 1 extra with Rob (Y) Nigel Gosling Sunday only cant get Saturday off work Aaron Friend. (Y) Gary Friend. (Y) Mac (Y) Little Hunter (Y) Darryl (Y) Wurz (John) (Y) Davyt63 (Y) Chaz (Y) Phil Jones (Y) Helen Pianoman Gary-Festa (Y) Phil Gibbs (Y) AndyFR (Y) Roger (Y) KGB Mark - Sunday only Steve Watson (Y) Daz7 (Morgan)(Y) R10 Rob (Lawson)(Y)
  3. Why not give this a go? good way to meet people. http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/298832-the-hlf-davids-versus-the-hft-goliaths-meet-3-at-odp/
  4. You should see the last video from old downs, Rob even hits the kill zone shooting from the hip, no scope required
  5. PM sent now Nigel with my number again. Si. Pm sent also Nigel Thanks Aaron
  6. PM sent now Nigel with my number again. Si. Cheers Si
  7. Great day out in great company, done ok 45 and 34 I think?. got home to find I had left my mobile phone in my gun slip all day what can I say phone is no more :cray:soaked like me. Could you let me have your mobile number again as all lost on the phone that will now not turn on thing.
  8. Are you shooting it tomorrow Si at the Air Arms shoot?.
  9. Not sure but it almost sent me to sleep.
  10. Was it a shop or private sale?, all sounds a bit dubious to me
  11. Still water to start with and yes willing to travel.
  12. Davy looking at these venues ill have to look out the passport?
  13. As title recommendations of places to try new to fly fishing.
  14. Who are Roy and Hayley????????????????????????
  15. Good shooting and some nice meat.
  16. Stunning shooting, again Si, cant wait to see how you get on next Sunday mate .
  17. A dole Que scrounger, they seem to have all the nice things I struggle to afford..
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