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Everything posted by gosling1960

  1. What a fantastic weekend, meet some great new friends. Weather held off for the first two days but we had a wet shoot on the Sunday, but that could not dampen what was a brilliant three days. Thanks to everyone involved cant wait for the next one bring it on
  2. i better ring john tommorrow again as the order has gone up a tad! hope he can still get them? Davy FE & steak Chaz FE & steak Si FE & steak Gary FE & steak Aaron FE & steak Nigel FE & steak Steve FE & steak Darryl FE & Steak Laura FE & Steak Rob Lawson FE & Steak Daz7 FE & Steak Wayne Eveleigh FE & steak Rommels
  3. As above never noticed color making and difference to temperament.
  4. Whats the chances of someone having a chrony on the Saturday?
  5. Davy FE & steak Chaz FE & steak Si FE & steak Gary FE & steak Aaron FE & steak Nigel FE & steak Steve FE & steak Darryl FE & Steak Gary FE & Steak Rob Lawson FE & Steak Daz7 FE & Steak AR177 FE& steak Wayne Eveleigh FE & steak Sorry my mistake. Hope its o/k wayne being put on list? friend of mine he has only had BSA ultra for two weeks.
  6. Davy FE & steak Chaz FE & steak Si FE & steak Gary FE & steak Aaron FE & steak Nigel FE & steak Steve FE & steak Darryl FE & Steak Gary FE & Steak Rob Lawson FE & Steak Daz7 FE & Steak AR177 FE& steak Wayne Eveleigh & steak
  7. List of attendees below please add a (Y) next to your name if you can make the whole weekend Si Pittaway (Y) Rob Hampton. ​(Y) Possible 1 extra with Rob (Y) Nigel Gosling (Y) + one Wayne Eveliegh (y) Aaron Friend. (Y) Gary Friend. (Y) Darryl (Y) Wurz (John) (Y) Davyt63 (Y) Chaz (Y) Phil Jones (Y) Helen Pianoman Gary-Festa (Y) Phil Gibbs (Y) AndyFR (Y) Roger (Y) Steve Watson (Y) Daz7 (Morgan)(Y) R10 Rob (Lawson)(Y) AndyZ (Andy)(Y) AR177 (y) Neil Ann Laura (after her work on Saturday 1700 hrs, till finish Sunday ).
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