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Everything posted by gosling1960

  1. -in-22/'>http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/296036-hw--in-22/ Or this just a thought, you will be disappointed if you buy the stogar.
  2. http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/296654-bsa-lightning-xl-shropshire/ This for instance?.
  3. I would recommend that you consider second hand, you will get a better rifle for your hard earned.
  4. What a great day you must have had, what dreams are made of.
  5. Each to there own i guess, but I think if you take ownership of animal of any kind then you should take it to the vets when ill.
  6. As has been said nice rifle, and great bag there.
  7. As above. Im 53 years old and have had dogs for all of those years, but if the dog was ill it would go to the vets. Same with the ferrets. you go to the vet to seek his advice and treatment, however if you have seen it before and know how to treat it, then his advice is not needed But if you are on here or any of the many other forums asking advice, then you don't know or you would not be asking?. but there might be people who do know, thats how a forum works But in the time that passes the poor old ferret is left to suffer.
  8. As above. Im 53 years old and have had dogs for all of those years, but if the dog was ill it would go to the vets. Same with the ferrets. you go to the vet to seek his advice and treatment, however if you have seen it before and know how to treat it, then his advice is not needed But if you are on here or any of the many other forums asking advice, then you don't know or you would not be asking?.
  9. Could only be me mate, hope the holiday is going well.
  10. As above. Im 53 years old and have had dogs for all of those years, but if the dog was ill it would go to the vets. Same with the ferrets.
  11. Having read some posts on here and many other forums, why do people not treat ferrets as they would any other pet and use the vets ??????????????????.
  12. Spend as much time as you can with them, they will settle and it will be worth it in the long run.
  13. https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=9&cad=rja&sqi=2&ved=0CGsQtwIwCA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DLYNGq_PJUyE&ei=4FH9UfbEOfKa1AXugYHwAw&usg=AFQjCNEv7b66G9IPU5zvcWqBvziLwCuo_w&sig2=P-FLGreHRuH82BL7e8vX4Q&bvm=bv.50165853,d.d2k Might be worth a look?.
  14. Right pain in the a-- as you say.
  15. Well done, something I want to have a go at some time soon.
  16. I would have thought the best way to go would be to visit your local dealer and handle the models you are interested in, then you could make a better informed decision.
  17. Good to hear you are having a great time, cant wait to see the videos when you return.
  18. Any one able to put up a link?, cant find them.
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