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sthelens hunter

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73 Excellent

About sthelens hunter

  • Rank
    Born Hunter

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  • Interests
    lamping and ferreting

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  1. Ferrets 2 weeks old today 2 polecat hobs and a couple jills will be available free to working homes only
  2. my jill has just had a litter of 9 today should be a few going spare free to working homes only im from the merseyside area.
  3. full of myxomatosis up our way never known it as bad
  4. At the end of the day all that matter is that your happy with your dog
  5. can you put a link up or pm im interested in the red lense
  6. I seem to remember the warrener did not seem to have a problem buying a stolen black lurcher from his gypsy friends.
  7. just a quick raising of my voice seems to do the job I have never needed to kick f**k out of any of my dogs
  8. Has anyone tried the buffalo river lamp
  9. If the ban was lifted there would be even more dickheads on here if that's possible
  10. No such thing as a minshaw no more the true line died out years ago.
  11. are you a male or a female because it looks like your a couple of carpet lickers on your profile
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