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Everything posted by paulus

  1. The French police are scared of them, This is what is crossing the channel and coming to a hotel near you soon.
  2. Everything we do involves risk, Slipping the lurcher. entering a ferret, Flying a BOP, Things happen that are out of our control. all you can do is try to minimise the risk but what is going to happen, generally happens, I have had dogs killed running quarry, Dogs killed digging to quarry, Ferrets lost to badger and suffocated in stop ends. BOP electrocuted on powerlines, You get the idea, Its the nature of the beast and as you say, Just live with it,
  3. It does get addictive but in all fairness its as boring as f**k Lol
  4. And there's me thinking Agile just made wellington boots Lol
  5. Watch this, He admits to letting untreated water into our waterways all the time, not just in periods of flooding. That smirk on his face is also very annoying.
  6. Nature is wonderful. Sparrowhawks are among the last birds to lay eggs in the UK, This mean that there eggs hatch when the other birds young are starting to fledge the nest making it easier for them to catch prey to feed there young.
  7. I hope she has similar views on the Trans agenda being taught in primary schools, Kids at that age should want to be Spiderman or a Cowboy or Girl not being encouraged to believe they are of a sex that they are clearly not.
  8. Just think of the World and its population as one big money making business and it all becomes easier to understand. Take the migrant situation here, I believe its been the plan all along to drive down wages, drive up rents along with utilities and the cost of living in general. All of this adds to the bottom line on the balance sheet, Pay proper wages and realistic bills and this will take money off the bottom line,
  9. Apparently Migrant charities are up in arms over the fact that when a migrants application is approved they are given two weeks to vacate the hotel that they have been staying in for free, Unless they find somewhere to live they become homeless, Very sad but welcome to the real world that anyone in this country could face in the future.
  10. Man has an unnatural effect on this world and the wildlife on it, we have intervened in so many ways That may be from persecution, Predation or Just down to how we have change the environment we live in to suit our needs, Nature will try to adapt but sometimes certain species sadly can not adapt or we don't let them adapt. when i was a kid the only buzzards i ever seen were down the M5 whilst travelling for the family holiday. I was probably 40 years old before i had seen a wild red kite. Nowadays we have an abundance of Buzzards and red kites along with Ravens, The other year i was on an esta
  11. That is an extreme example, I sold mine over ten years ago now for £750 if i remember correctly.
  12. https://www.barder-rod.co.uk/product/mk-iv-carp-made-by-richard-walker-c1952/
  13. Watched a video of Migrants attacking the French Police on the Beach in Dunkirk yesterday, The Police were in two Buggies and had to retreat after being pelted with objects, Apparently one migrant was stabbed to death and several others stabbed, All coming to a hotel near you soon.
  14. Loads of Greenfinch and Goldfinch here, Not so many Chaffinch as there use to be and even fewer Bullfinch,
  15. I think the most concerning findings in this poll are. Second Generation Muslims appear to be more radicalised than there parents. Graduate Muslims appear to be more radicalised than others of the same age group. Blair and a few others should have been tried and hung over what they have caused.
  16. The full report can be read here https://henryjacksonsociety.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/HJS-Deck-200324-Final.pdf
  17. Your not mentioning the other results • Almost half of British Muslims say Jews have too much power over UK government policy, with similar numbers thinking the same for US foreign policy. • British Muslims are more likely to have a positive than a negative view of Hamas, a proscribed terrorist organisation in the UK. • Nearly half of British Muslims would back the removal of an MP if they took a different stance on Israel/Palestine to them. • 52% want to make it illegal to show a picture of the Muslim Prophet Mohammed. • 32% of British Mus
  18. There's no money in curing chronic conditions, Just keep handing out the pills and the Gravy train keeps on a rolling.
  19. That's because process foods contain shit that makes you feel hungry again soon after eating them, McDonalds is a perfect example Lol
  20. The reason i know this, Is because i brought a loaf of. Hovis. Sunblest. Warburtons. Robertson's, Asda`s own, Tesco`s own, Morrisons own and Greggs, Placed them on the table in the shed and inspected them for Mould daily. Most lasted between 4 and 7 days but the Greggs stuff, Wow it`s unreal. it feels as fresh after a fortnight as it felt the day it was purchased, Possibly make you glow green at night if you ate to much of it though Lol.
  21. Most bread nowadays is full of preservatives, Greggs bread can last 2 weeks or more without going mouldy!,
  22. My uncle (rip) did the same only he would go to to the airborne forces day and return a week later. He ran a Pub at the time and his Mrs would be going crazy all week Lol
  23. The local Sewerage farm was built on an old Victorian bottle tip, We spent hours digging around there when we were kids. All gone now mind, buried under houses.
  24. we all have our crosses to bear Lol
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