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Everything posted by paulus

  1. My old bull whippet bitch had Mamery Tumours, had them done twice but when she got to the smelly age of 17 they came back with a vengeance, eventually if there left the skin tears around the tumour, That's when the decision comes mate.
  2. The intension to shoot a few clays is enough of a reason for an application,
  3. I gave up on the stove, Far to much hassle and mess, easier just to turn the dial up on heating system.
  4. Forget to mention, The figure i quoted on the proportion of Islamic extremism threat. 8% of the 62% were classed as children, so indoctrination is defiantly going on up and down this Country.
  5. paulus

    pay to go

    Simple answer is, No cars or trains back then, people married people from there own village and the local area. If you go to Anglesey. go to the old church yard on Holy Island, There are a disproportionate amount of Hughes and Pritchard buried there. Because there was no bridge connecting it to the mainland in the time these people lived,
  6. paulus

    pay to go

    If you looking at the DNA of the UK it gets very complex. DNA map of Ireland reveals the Irish have Viking and Norman ancestry and are far more genetically diverse than previously thought It reveals lasting contributions from British, Scandinavian and French invasions Researchers compared genetic data from 1,000 Irish and 2,000 British people They found 50 distinct genetic clusters, separated by geographical boundaries These are most distinct in western Ireland, but less pronounced in the east The findings are significant because they could be used in future stud
  7. paulus

    pay to go

    The genetic legacy in the UK has left the population with up to six per cent Viking DNA.
  8. paulus

    pay to go

    Please God, Not again Lol.
  9. Always have to balance it by mentioning the Far right first, Watched a thing earlier, That stated of 100 incidents investigated by counter terrorist teams, 62% were Muslim extremist, 24% allegedly far right (it would be interesting to know what and who made up the 24%) The rest were just a mixture of other people. Its obvious the problem is with radical Islamism and not so called far right groups. Nothing will be done, Now the excuse is its to close to a general election to do anything, before it was to help with integration and multiculturalism, Before that some other load of old bolloc
  10. This place once contained more than a fair few.
  11. Got a cousin who 3d prints and paints the war hammer figures. f**k me do they fetch big money. Don't get any of it myself but it appears plenty do,
  12. The games f****d and only going to get more f****d as the years go by. Another load of land being sold here. comprising of two stately homes a couple of farms, two horse places and a shit load of land. Pound to a penny it will all be land banked for future developments.
  13. Struggle to use the f***ing phone, never mind play frigging games on it Lol
  14. The man is by his own words anti Islam and its ideology within the UK, he does not pretend to be anything else, I believe Paul Golding has offered him a place as a perspective MP for Britain First but has not accepted at this time, He has done a brilliant job in bringing to the attention of the general public the problem's associated with Islam in a western Country, Something that only now, Main stream politicians are having to admit.
  15. I read somewhere NGO`s can be/are funded from the Foreign aid budget.
  16. I don't understand why he said that either mate, Why now is there the need for such a monument, especially to a religion rather than a race!. We already have our National Arboretum that is there to honour all who have died for or in service to this Nation, Most if not all of our Cities, Towns and Villages have there own memorials to remember there war dead, Surely the countries where these soldiers came from have monuments to remember them.
  17. The British working class is under attack and is being replaced by cheap foreign labour. The Muslim, Islam situation is i believe coming to a head, the same is happening in other countries across Europe. i believe Islam does not fit into a western culture,
  18. Manners can be taught without the need for a collar,
  19. paulus


    Not possible, The Clangers would be up in arms and the soup dragon would trash it.
  20. paulus

    Kelly kettles

    Had a Kelly Kettle with the cooking attachments, Sold it as far to much fuss and a big unit to carry about, Thermos flask was the way forward. Had a log burner, sold that, far to much mess and hassle, Easier to turn the heating on, Lol,
  21. New introduction Hello, I am Peter from Berlin. When i am not in ( Link not working) Then i pursue my hobbies. Best i can do, been a long time since i lived in Germany Lol
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