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Everything posted by Forbes

  1. Hi mate thanks for the reply, I Made my mind up to definitely go with the carbine. I'm still stuck with the .22 or the .177 but i will probably end up going for the .22. Anyway thanks for your reply, it helped a lot. Cheers
  2. Hello Well, the time has finally come. I am going to get the hw100 I have been dreaming about . But I'm stuck with something and I was hoping some of you guys could help me out. Carbine or full length? I have been trying to make up my mind for about 1 year now and I still cant decide. I like the carbine for its length and less weight but, I don't really feel like having to pump it up more often due to the reduced shot count. The woods i hunt are quite dense but not enough that the full length would be a nuisance. What do you HW100 users think? Also I was thinking about the .22, but my fri
  3. Hello everyone, Merry Christmas I have recently decided to upgrade to a Weihrauch hw100, but I cant decide on either the carbine or the standard. I have been looking into it for quite some time and have decided to get the thumb-hole stock and i am definitely getting it in.22. But can anyone tell me what is better out of the carbine or the standard? Just some-things like the shot count, accuracy and weight. Thanks
  4. Forbes

    My Dog

    haha got the photo but forgot to attach it
  5. Forbes

    My Dog

    Hey Everyone Just thought i might post a picture of my dog up, he isn't exactly a shooting dog tho.
  6. Forbes

    Good Song

    Hey Was watching some hunting videos on YouTube and at the end of one this song came on, just thought I'd'd post it for anyone who hasn't heard it. Josh Turner - Backwoods boy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qN06GSRzyZw
  7. Thanks for all the answers gonna save up now. I had to send my BSA back twice because of problems Cheers...Forbes
  8. Hello everyone I currently own a BSA lightning but I'm thinking of upgrading to a Weihrauch hw100, but is it worth the money? Cheers...Forbes
  9. Hello everyone My name is Forbes i am 14, i own a BSA lightning and have been hunting since i was 7 or 8 years old my main quarry is rabbits which i hunt most weekends. I also love fishing, but i am not very good at it yet. Anyway thought i might just say hello to everyone, and i look forward to my time here with you all. Cheers...Forbes
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