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Everything posted by Accip74

  1. Didn’t know that one. I’ll give it a try, thanks ?
  2. I’ve just caved in & I’ve got a bottle of Woodford Reserve on line. Here by thursday?
  3. Accip74

    Fcuk it

    No boredom here yet. Still loads to do outside & just found out I can get free deliveries from local garden centre. Having a great time actually ?
  4. Trouble is mate most won’t. We sold out our village shops & high street butchers/bakers so we could get everything under one roof. We willingly fcuked over our own community owned shops for Tesco’s!! So good luck trying to get joe bloggs to pay a premium for British made quality goods when they can order cheaper from China etc.....
  5. Accip74


    Did it work? How did it go lads?
  6. I experience the opposite effect watching films stoned. I become hyper critical & see every little fault in minute detail. Anything sub-standard is switched off in less than 20 minutes!
  7. All the builders merchants are shut anyway where my mates work in The U.K. My mate has completely packed up his building firm for now.
  8. We try to avoid pre-paying anything mate, unless of course we have to book flights. I’ve just heard our neighbours paid everything in advance for a holiday in may, even pre-paid attractions for 6 people! Not good.
  9. I won’t laugh........you might be right
  10. Only Mickey Finn knows.....I think he’s trying start a cult with some subliminal shit
  11. We have something planned for July. After cancelling our April holiday I thought at least the July thing should be ok, but it’s not looking likely now, is it?
  12. My brother has just recommended Don’t Fcuk With Cats.......a Canadian true crime doc.
  13. I was stuck in a situation like that myself for some months while waiting for a house to sell. Luckily no kids involved, but in a tiny one bedroom house it was a test for sure. It’s a distant memory, but I thank fcuk I’m not stuck with that twat now!
  14. Accip74


    Are we talking the Snowdonia Cheese Company? If so I’m a big fan of ‘black bomber’............British mature cheddar takes some beating imo ?
  15. Yeah sure I agree, but let’s not ruin my Covid anecdote ?
  16. A mate of mine & his Mrs has just had it. She is a cleaner in an Essex hospital & they come down with it last Sunday. He had the cough & bad chest, she had the high temp & in bed for two days etc. They have been in isolation all this last week. Considering they are both smokers & he is asthmatic it was a mild dose. This is a self diagnosis obviously, but under the circumstances it’s probable that’s what it was & she has to remain off work for another week, then she will be tested on her return.
  17. I make those sort of dumb ass mistakes all the time.......................just not in public! ?
  18. My Mrs is the cat lover in this house. Periodically the question comes about getting one.....”sure” I say, “as long as you 100% look after it”........that’s where it ends every time ?
  19. It couldn’t be better weather for an international crisis....
  20. You’re probably right mate. It would be interesting to see them stay more relaxed, just as a good comparison when we reflect on all this later.
  21. Extended to 17th April here....
  22. Meanwhile in Sweden..... https://www.google.be/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=8&ved=2ahUKEwjc9un64bzoAhWBM-wKHeRKB-QQFjAHegQICRAB&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ft.com%2Fcontent%2F31de03b8-6dbc-11ea-89df-41bea055720b&usg=AOvVaw1oVM9W0IVipc4fsmhCiP7X
  23. Yeah I was only joking mate, not trying to dig you out!
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