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Everything posted by Accip74

  1. I don't mean in general mate, that would be crazy! But when the cross is that specific, do you need a top coursing greyhound x a gamedog pitbull to produce a fox killer?? I'm not big fan of Hancock, but it really depends what your expectations are for a running dog
  2. This is so true, the man is only putting together components to produce a machine that does a job, if you can't do anything with a 3/4 greyhound collie taken from 8 weeks then look at your own handling skills, of course the fact that it's a dog factory is an ethical issue, but I don't think it matters there not produced from workers
  3. Some great looking dogs guys, I think people forget that's all you need to do certain jobs. My first lucher was a whippet / bedlington when I was 11, my dad got me to ring up & order it myself from a well known breeder of them types at the time. I never done great things with him, but it was a steep learning curve for me........especially when I got home from school one day to find my dad had sold him! I was heartbroken.....but he had warned me that's what he would do if I didn't put the work in to it..........never made that mistake again
  4. When I first read the question, I thought why not? the I started reading the posts, I haven't run a dog in years, but when I lamped as a youg man I was chuffed to come back with half a dozen lol........... Mind u I walked to all the fields from the house, after a few rabbits, a big deben battery & walking miles out & realising you had to walk back,on a mild night,I was f***** , not the dog................50 rabbits? I don't think I would had the inclination to go on after 10!.........I'll get my coat
  5. I don't think it is much to do with livestock, cast your minds back & try & remember any stories in the national press about thuggish falconers or shooting men marauding over people's land & then remember the ones about lurcher & terrier men.....need I say anymore? Public perception.......I love lurcher & terrier work, but it just attracts f****** imbeciles
  6. Yeh it was the head that remained me of pics of old style working fox terriers (especially in Africa )
  7. You'd be surprised what I got away with at boots actually, usually used the '1 hour' service & just hoped for the best! The worst that happened was I got a few more graphic photo's blanked , this is terrier work I'm talking here stig, not your soft porn..... That bitch looks very fox terrier like stig, reminds me of a old type fox terrier bitch my family had in SA in 82''
  8. Boredom could be a factor, try an hour in the morning if you have the time, I've had fell types, especially dogs that can appear pretty full on at this age & beyond lol,these same dogs are often slow to mature & can often take a while to calm down for reliable work....but it's defo an inherent trait with some of these, bare with him, he could turn into something great in time....ATB
  9. Ha! I weren't expecting that reply.....be interesting to see how that pans out
  10. Sorry that's right 'decoy' dogs, I was impressed, it was a new one on me
  11. I don't no why, but I've always had a soft spot for miniature wire haired dachshunds, maybe it goes back to Teddy Moritz hunting with them, but whenever I see one.....it's a guilty pleasure.......maybe I got to get a grip!
  12. No,it is definitely a different mentality to hawks when approaching some people, you are viewed differently no doubt. I got into hawks about 8 years ago, but come from a background of terrier work & lurchers, the attitude change is huge! You can talk to absolutely anyone about hawking & they will be fascinated, but I rarely gave details about terrier & lurchers work over the years to non- hunters. It's a shame but true....
  13. I very recently come across a guy on utube who was using 'lure' dogs when shooting coyotes from a call stand, I'd never imagined this concept before, he sent the dog out on sight & then there was a bit of cat & mouse, sometimes mixing it to bring the coyote in for the shot! Is this common to you guys out there?
  14. We took many foxes with collie crosses as young lads, mate I grew up with had a 1/8border 1/8 beardie 3/4 greyhound from Hancock a fantastic single handed fox dog before bull x mania! He had 3 in a night on more than one occasion, when we started hearing about the bull x's, we were thinking overkill? Especially the guys that double them up on foxes lol.........
  15. Well good luck on that one, making me want a running dog again!!! What's his breeding?
  16. Are they still found on the fens?
  17. Suppose a bit of 'ego' added to the mix can create your own line aswell
  18. Well yeh that goes back to my original point, in my own experiance we never took things far enough not to stop referring to them as bloggs/smith lines, it would of took several years of breeding to line & back out to be able to claim our own.....I think....
  19. It was a joke mate......not particuly funny, but a joke all the same.........I've heard many a guy referring to his own strain without any real substance to it ATB
  20. When you go round calling it the 'the stig' strain lol........for example....
  21. The interesting thing is the definition of 'line', yeh you could breed 3 generations of dogs, starting with your two, breed a bitch & 3 years later breed from her & so on...... But if your not sourcing dogs that are in some way related to your original stock when lining said birches, in 3 generations I don't think you've created anything.....your just breeding terriers. It would be interesting to hear peoples definition of 'a line' ATB
  22. Good question, it should take many years and many generations to accurately describe creating a line, at some point you have to decide when to breed back to related stock etc pups produced should be proven before breeding from them, realistically a minimum of 3 years (although many don't) blah blah blah unless you have a lot of stock on the go, it's gonna take many years & many tried & tested dogs, unless you start inbreeding first generation etc etc I think a lot of guys claim there own lines prematurely. We started something many years back combining to famous lines, dogs were produ
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