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Everything posted by Accip74

  1. To be honest, never had permission for lurchers, only for digging with terriers, a must, but lurcher work was always on the sly, other than occasional invites.....
  2. Yeh of course.....your a pr*ck if you start mouthing off....but when you are cought red handed...sometimes they just want rid....
  3. Used the same shi**y excuse when coursing a hare from a footpath.....it don't really wash with landowners I'm afraid......
  4. I think even good imprints can be extremely vocal first season.....which may be too much for many.....& neighbours....
  5. It's so much easier with an experienced dog at hand, I've never bought a puppy on without one....good luck
  6. It's an interesting point, if you have no neighbours to worry about, it would probably be more tolerable or if the situation was different. My first gos didn't make a sound till mid December of 1st season, up to then he had gone like a dream & exceeded my expectations, I came home from work one day & heard this high pitched call, I thought it was a seagull lol never heard him before.....the noise never became an issue cos it was occasional & never in the field....but if it was regular....what would I have done? He was going so well I would have just put up with it I suppose....&am
  7. Those are seriously fine looking dogs vitaliy13......how is your hunting season going?
  8. Don't get me wrong about rescue dogs, my family & many people I know have had many good examples over the years, but the worlds not gonna be a worse place if all these dogs awaiting homes were put down tomorrow....would it?
  9. It's a good point about the re-homing obsession, they are full of bull breeds, why not just put all these dogs down & start again, the sheer cost of keeping this never ending cycle of unwanted dogs is mental, also there may only of been 18 deaths from dogs in recent years, but thousands of attacks, which cause physical & mental damage & this figure is rising with the surge in numbers of status dogs among idiot owners. It's only gonna get worse if something drastic isn't done.....
  10. Or if there red with white spots you trip for 3 days straight......
  11. I would'nt get to the point of finding out it was a 'world beater'......I can put up with some calling, but I've experiance screaming in the field & I found it intolerable......
  12. Like bobby has said, a dog from digging lines could be more of a hindrance for you than a help when bushing, depending on what you really want to do mate, don't be swayed by pics of impressive looking digging dogs if you can't really envisage yourself doing that much... Good luck with what ever choose...
  13. Nice pics jawn.....they look great
  14. Love the beautiful country backdrop..... your a bit of a nob head aren't you really? From the comments you have made you have nothing nice to say about anything especially the British. Lol....especially the british???....lol
  15. Love the beautiful country backdrop.....
  16. Accip74

    X Factor

    Don't get British X factor here......which is nice.....
  17. I know the guy is mental, but David Icke had a lot to say about saville, long before it all came out & he also implicated a lot of high profile men, including royals........but then he does think he's the second coming.....
  18. My mate had exactly this cross from Hancock in the 90's, a fantastic all rounder, but a prolific fox dog....he was very aggressive.....scary sometimes! Lol....we assumed it was the 'beardie' influence......great dogs in the right hands mate
  19. I did think Kate Humble was great.....
  20. 'Yo mister'?? You've just found a suicide?.....is it me, or does all the American stuff look fake......
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