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Everything posted by Accip74

  1. Lol oh yes very impressive....in the right hands though.....;-)
  2. I came across a cane corso a while ago, looked like he could eat the car, let alone me!
  3. Any other questions feel free to pm me....I have a good contact for Harris hawks if thats what you are after, in kent, small scale breeding,but very good.....
  4. Great stuff.....I noticed you said still 'a bit hard', but he must be doing something right, plenty of hard dogs can't do 3 digs in a month!
  5. I've just been on google earth lol....it's near Messing turn off, I used to drive down a lane called Haynes green rd & park in a little layby right next to the woods was going there for 5 seasons fairly regular no bother, but of course you should contact the Forestry commission before going lol, but you won't find their guy's there on a weekend ;-) I moved from the general area about 18months ago I lived in the Dedham Vale area....constable country.....f*ck I miss it... I had loads of permo round there....lots of little places....best way to do it, so you can alternate where you go, I ne
  6. Last I heard I think they wanted something like two thousand dollars for a pup......You could get one from anywhere in the world and have it flown to you for that price Yeh I kinda thought after looking at their extensive website, that they might come with a extensive price tag! Lol cheers what are you going to hunt with a jagd accip74? you can buy a overly hard one from east europ but if youre going to use it on the boars i think you might be better of with a bit of a softer dog if you want to work with him for a longer time. here a jagd might cost you about 500 euro's and drive less t
  7. Yeh you go out and get a kill, bird gets some exercise.....you can't knock it, it's not something that really thrilled me & the weather conditions that are preferable for hawking don't always make good lamping conditions....I do prefer a dog running down the beam.....but it defo adds a 'string to your bow'
  8. Last I heard I think they wanted something like two thousand dollars for a pup......You could get one from anywhere in the world and have it flown to you for that price Yeh I kinda thought after looking at their extensive website, that they might come with a extensive price tag! Lol cheers
  9. Yeh it kind of really struck me tonight, I felt bad that the scale of it hadn't really grabbed me sooner....is it cos of the distance etc but if it had happened closer to home ie Western Europe/states would it of been more in my face? tragic loss...
  10. Apparently 10000 people have lost their lives in the Philippines, about 3 times as many as 9/11, yet haven't heard many people talking about it....
  11. Fair enough mate, it's a struggle at times to get the bird what it needs, that's for sure, & lamping is ok, but it's not really what 'hawking' is about.... Like you say, when the time is right....it's certainly never too late ATB
  12. I've been looking at Klitgaard kennels, Denmark....do any of you jagd's affinados know anything about this line? Heard good things about them? I'd appreciate your imput.
  13. I totally agree, but 'urban foxes' seem too much for Britain at the moment......let alone wolves & bears lol
  14. Well I'm not close now mate, I live in belgium....thats why I'm giving up good hawking spots near Colchester lol, yes I still fly hawks but not this season unfortunately due to some bad luck.....don't bother getting a 'proven' bird, do it your self, it's easy to get them going on the lamp....one session, & they catch on....the woods I mean are on the road from Colchester zoo....just before you get to Tiptree... Great spot for 'first light hawking'.. ..good luck with whatever you do!
  15. Good for you its great to see folk willing to do research before jumping in feet first.....i was the same as you i was on the verge of getting a bird a few years ago but having done the research you are about to do realised i was biting off more than i could chew and i probably wouldnt of done the bird justice....... i still find it a fascinating subject and one i hope to come back to at some stage of life........all the best to you theres some great knowledge and decent people on here...for a window shopper like me this is one of the most interesting sections of this forum so whether you get
  16. Hello mate, I'm from your neck of the woods & have hunted with hawks on land very close to you.....the main thing apart from training blah blah blah is land & quarry......think about both very carefully, & think if you have the makings of a successful hawk, you can do all the training you want, but the more your hawk kills, the more everything else will come together.....no matter what anyone says.......here's a tip.....there is a very nice bit of forestry commission just out side of Colchester on the way to Tiptree, got a lot of kills there....no bother....fill your boots mate....
  17. Is 'Congo' the PC 'nigger'.....lol.....nice head on him mate ATB
  18. I often wonder how people managed their lives before Facebook......many seem lost without it now.......half my family are on it, but I prefer a simple phone call....
  19. expensive licenses for bull type dogs. Thatll stop em. How would I ,or my dog or the general public ,benefit from me buying a license (expensive or otherwise)??what will it stop if it was law to have one-then maybe it would stop people breeding and giving to any old chav?if they can afford a couple of hundred for a status symbol then another 50 for a licence wont hurt?no licence-dog gets destroyed?maybe only take the once before folk wake up? could stop alot of heart ache in the longrun for both dogs/owners/victims?i love the bull breeds but people are breeding the wrong type these days a
  20. Yeh its always easy to pick on a small group of people to whip up political support from the general public like like banning guns or fox hunting. in the same period 18 people were killed by cattle Yeh I would never leave my kid alone with cattle.....
  21. To be fair that's exactly how my sisters staff was, yeh staffs are great family dogs, but theres a huge amount of mixed breed bull types out there owned by idiots, I have one local to me now.....which is a concern for me & my child, I know it's the owners fault, but I'd be more relaxed if they had something less lethal.... But hey, what can you do?
  22. Accip74

    About Time

    Well you got a result mate, that's the main thing.....are rats something that you would normally go for? Or is it just when other stuff is thin on the ground....
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