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Everything posted by Accip74

  1. Accip74


    Get a shag from wellies???
  2. Stone roses were THE last great band......
  3. Those cu*ts think there flying an X-wing fighter in Star Wars........fu*king grow up!!!
  4. Tomo, I went to the first World Dance and Biology raves. I used to frequent the Ministry, Red Eye, SW1, Club UK, Club Industria, Trade. So I know about the early dance music scene. I'm actually a lecturer at South Bank Polytechnic in Modern Music and Pop Culture, so maybe you should apologise and retract your previous statement. Fuc*ing pill head
  5. Yeh you but you needed something good to come down to......I went back to the 60/70s after a rave.....
  6. I reckon Muslims are responsible....
  7. Yes it's inevitable with such a dog that breeds to 'type', the attraction go's beyond hunters...
  8. When I first worked black fell terriers, the general public had never heard of such a dog or 'patterdales', when you started seeing them being walked round shopping malls etc by pet owners....it was the beginning of the decline....
  9. I should think the vast majority of so called patterdales in Britain are not the real deal for work, they are following in the footsteps of Jack Russell's....
  10. Big G, I disagree with the bit where you said "and no matter what people admit too,".There are men who go through the whole of their lives having never had a strongdog or a lurcher present on a dig. They are usual men who are brilliant with their hands and able to use a shovel. If the quarry is to be killed a firearms is used and if the quarry is to be relocated or freed they use their hands or step out of the way to let it by. If the quarry is further up the tube they trench or tunnel on, torch in mouth and slide in on their belly to get the job done. Using a dog to draw is often an excuse
  11. Don't mind me mate....what you are doing looks the absolute 'bollo*ks, fantastic mate.....! ATB
  12. Yeh I totally get what you are saying, I've dug to many good fells terriers, I rated them above anything else & I know I'm not gonna find anything better below ground.....but sometimes in life its just nice to try something else....like I say, I'm not looking for better, just a change.....I just really like that jagd stamp & I'd be really interested to see what I could do with one, above or below ground. ATB
  13. Actually some of my mates back home have been saying similar things......going out lamping & only seeing a few rabbits!! Mind you, rabbit numbers are very low where I am here....
  14. So many things have to come together mate.....my 'doggie' mates would be saying 'Fuc*ing hell mate....weren't life easier with a lurcher?'.... ...I'd be thinking 'they just don't understand......'
  15. Fu*k mate,really sorry for you, we put everything into these birds & then that......words ain't enough mate
  16. Accip74

    Chavy Scum

    The bull breeds thread hasn't got there yet......but give it time.......lol lol
  17. Accip74

    Chavy Scum

    Kings college lol lol lol......love it!
  18. Yeh snow lion??? I worked in a zoo for years,building enclosures....never heard of one....I thought it was Tibetan myth....do you mean snow leopard?
  19. Exactly,waste of money, you have access to a harris so learn the basics, read plenty....you can't go wrong with hollinshead regarding harris hawks......harris hawks give the impression of being very forgiving, but if you don't get things right, they can show it in all kinds of subtle ways, hollinshead put this into words brilliantly. The old classics are good, but don't get too bogged down with stuff like 'glacier', different time, different class, they'll make you think you need thousands of acres & everyday to hunt, like they did.....but yeh read as much as possible & make your own
  20. Accip74

    Chavy Scum

    Is that a good thing or a bad thing? Lol!!I'm not boring or grumpy. I might be a bit mental but that's not necessarily a bad thing. I'd say its a good thing, at least your true to yourself. Aye, and who cares if you die a lonely old virgin despised all your life, it happens Better to be hated than to have no one notice you exist. Perception is an interesting beast on a place like this, I like the way it can swing from being quite helpful & informative on one thread & being a 'prick' on another one......quite entertaining sometimes.... I JUST WANT TO BE LOVED!!!!!!.
  21. Accip74

    Chavy Scum

    Ah....Glasgow.....now I get it....
  22. For me it was sand, I did'nt generally have rock in my area, sand can be so dangerous for you & the dog
  23. Yeh the gerbil I had was just a fuc*ing liability in the end....had to get rid
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