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Everything posted by Accip74

  1. What is it? Only joking mate..........good effort
  2. http://youtu.be/b_n-VgDM13Etry this lad..breath of fresh air,,in this era of shit music.............. Must be a bad recording,, cause that was shite ! lol That voice is fu*king horrible!!
  3. Before the stone roses it was The clash.....best punk band by a mile.....
  4. No need for a strong dog there! Is this recent jawn?
  5. Lovely pup mate........I was in a restaurant the other day when someone walked in with a cat on a lead....someone else was already in there with a terrier, dog went fu*king mental! Lol
  6. Yeh I suppose that could be an issue, be interesting to see what size she eventually makes though....
  7. Wow...that's a hell of a size difference at that age....good luck with your choice
  8. Nice 1 mate....I'm a nosey twat also...;-)
  9. What's strange about thousands of people dead, sticking the roof back up maybe the least of the family's worries that are coping with loss.....the dead are dead mate, living is what those left will be concentrating on the basics of food water and shelter would be a top priorityMate that town was wiped out! & you're talking about why people can't get things sorted....if it was a town in Wales that lost 10,000 would you be saying they've got plenty of rain water to get by.......I think notit was not wiped out it was trashed and an unknown as of yet percentage sadly died, if you had no water
  10. What's strange about thousands of people dead, sticking the roof back up maybe the least of the family's worries that are coping with loss..... the dead are dead mate, living is what those left will be concentrating on the basics of food water and shelter would be a top priority Mate that town was wiped out! & you're talking about why people can't get things sorted....if it was a town in Wales that lost 10,000 would you be saying they've got plenty of rain water to get by.......I think not it was not wiped out it was trashed and an unknown as of yet percentage sadly died, if you had
  11. Is rabbit coursing big over the pond??
  12. What's strange about thousands of people dead, sticking the roof back up maybe the least of the family's worries that are coping with loss.....the dead are dead mate, living is what those left will be concentrating on the basics of food water and shelter would be a top priorityMate that town was wiped out! & you're talking about why people can't get things sorted....if it was a town in Wales that lost 10,000 would you be saying they've got plenty of rain water to get by.......I think notit was not wiped out it was trashed and an unknown as of yet percentage sadly died, if you had no water
  13. What's strange about thousands of people dead, sticking the roof back up maybe the least of the family's worries that are coping with loss.....the dead are dead mate, living is what those left will be concentrating on the basics of food water and shelter would be a top priorityMate that town was wiped out! & you're talking about why people can't get things sorted....if it was a town in Wales that lost 10,000 would you be saying they've got plenty of rain water to get by.......I think notit was not wiped out it was trashed and an unknown as of yet percentage sadly died, if you had no water
  14. What's strange about thousands of people dead, sticking the roof back up maybe the least of the family's worries that are coping with loss..... the dead are dead mate, living is what those left will be concentrating on the basics of food water and shelter would be a top priority Mate that town was wiped out! & you're talking about why people can't get things sorted....if it was a town in Wales that lost 10,000 would you be saying they've got plenty of rain water to get by.......I think not it was not wiped out it was trashed and an unknown as of yet percentage sadly died, if you had no
  15. What's strange about thousands of people dead, sticking the roof back up maybe the least of the family's worries that are coping with loss..... the dead are dead mate, living is what those left will be concentrating on the basics of food water and shelter would be a top priority Mate that town was wiped out! & you're talking about why people can't get things sorted....if it was a town in Wales that lost 10,000 would you be saying they've got plenty of rain water to get by.......I think not
  16. Yeh it can happen....dug to at least 7 second hand dogs that were 100%......
  17. What's strange about thousands of people dead, sticking the roof back up maybe the least of the family's worries that are coping with loss.....
  18. I saw a BBC world journo' reporting off the streets there yesterday.....she was 'made up' like a fu*king model! I thought it took the piss a bit really......tone it down....you're not at the fu*king oscars..
  19. I like to pose as a 25 year old African male online & swindle desperate middle aged English women out of their life savings......thinking of giving up the day job at the mo'
  20. oh i enjoyed seeing him escape you only kill them the onceS1550001.JPGpaulus was with me lol Big rabbit
  21. you'd remember the sunrise parties then and tunes like promised land by joe smooth and what about dj evil eddie Richards. Why don't you just ask each other 'where you from' 'what have you done'......
  22. Motown......what's going on.....Marvin Gaye.....maybe the best soul album ever...
  23. Yeh like that.....love the studio 1 stuff
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