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Everything posted by Accip74

  1. Nice shot mate.......................your catty & the pheasant colour match quite nicely, don't you think? :-)
  2. was it another attention seeking exit or did you go quickly Still not answering a simple question though..... im not the only one Lol.......maybe not, but a valid question all the same..........................................I'm starting to forget what it was now....
  3. was it another attention seeking exit or did you go quickly Still not answering a simple question though.....
  4. have you a vested interest or is it just exploration So has kranky said something worse than accusing someone of being a nonce?......lol.
  5. No answer about pedo accusations then?...............lol
  6. What were the warnings about?? There was a couple on here a week ago calling each other pedophiles ffs.......,I think there still on here ...........at least kranky was quite funny at times
  7. That's tough luck mate, I'm sure it will do you good to have a break from hawks..........& come back to it with a better frame of mind next year. ATB
  8. I had the chance a few years back to have one, a falconer I knew was breeding a lot.........I was tempted, but as well as being very tiny, you could really see the inbreeding...........it didn't look like it had a healthy future..... I think more novelty value than any real use, I passed on it.
  9. O yeahThen clock the price of this stuff a bottlehttp://www.whiskyplease.co.uk/specials/ I've just ordered a couple! O yeahThen clock the price of this stuff a bottlehttp://www.whiskyplease.co.uk/specials/ I've just ordered a couple! Let me know what it tastes like I cant afford the smell of the vapours on that £24.000 BOTTLE NEVER MIND A TOT lol Seriously they cant be people out there that would spend that type of money on a bottle of whisky or am I wrong? It would cost you over £100 to lick the cork I know plenty of lads that invest in whisky Yeh I've made lots of sho
  10. O yeahThen clock the price of this stuff a bottlehttp://www.whiskyplease.co.uk/specials/ I've just ordered a couple! O yeahThen clock the price of this stuff a bottlehttp://www.whiskyplease.co.uk/specials/ I've just ordered a couple! Let me know what it tastes like I cant afford the smell of the vapours on that £24.000 BOTTLE NEVER MIND A TOT lol Seriously they cant be people out there that would spend that type of money on a bottle of whisky or am I wrong? It would cost you over £100 to lick the cork makes mine cheap @ 90 quid a bottle.. £30 would be my limit........lo
  11. It would be harder for a male harris to catch adult hares regular, than a golden eagle on roe, it's all about the foot power.... My male harris caught a young Muntjac (5lbs) as did my male gos..........strangely enough, a 100 yards from where the harris did the year before ;-) ....but these were very young, lacking adult strength........so quite easy, although a novelty at the time....... So I caught deer with my 1lb 9oz male harris.......lol
  12. O yeahThen clock the price of this stuff a bottle http://www.whiskyplease.co.uk/specials/ I've just ordered a couple!
  13. Great looking Catapults guys, I'm getting more & more interested......but not sure what to start with..
  14. I've done it with Harris & Gos males & their footing was nothing like what it would be during the day..............but I'm sure they get better with persistance
  15. It's funny, but hard to know if it is good or not................are these tight cnuts just putting the fee up for everybody else? Same people who try to avoid paying for anything? Or are they right?
  16. Anyone had Mekong Whisky? Now that's serious shite...................had a session on it in Wan Chai one night..........fu*king madness!!
  17. It's mandatory here..............................with the exclusion of Stella, even the Belgians think it's a joke....
  18. Fu*k me......this sh*t topic still going on!..............lol
  19. 13 pages & no one's interested in Mandela...............lol lol
  20. many but will never grace this site Mysterious....lol
  21. It' is easier with someone else on the lamp & it's good to have a squatter you virtually have to kick up.......still tricky for them to master their footing in artificial light though.
  22. Lol yes your right mate, totally off topic again
  23. Christmas must be great in your house!
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