tradition and religion get intertwined
Also very common at the moment, is pretending to be religious to get your kids in a better school, my bruv' is doing it at the moment lol.......he said the church is busy with non
I keep trying these different meats.......ostrich, zebra, kangaroo, bison, crocodile, etc etc, they are all fine, but never 'wow'.....I expect Llama will be the same........although tried Moose in Denmark last year & that was great!
Loathing? I hunted foxes, but I knew people who tamed & kept them as pets, loathing never came into it...
What part of the above quote underlined did you not understand? I stated that the loathing for mink far excedes a dislike for any other preditor. TC
I only read the last skim
Me thinks you need to leave the Belgian larger alone, it does seen to be just too good for you. TC
Lol....not the beer mate.......just a basic comparison to two pest species, why would he need to comprehend the strength of loathing towards mink in this country w
Loathing? I hunted foxes, but I knew people who tamed & kept them as pets, loathing never came into it...
What part of the above quote underlined did you not understand? I stated that the loathing for mink far excedes a dislike for any other preditor. TC
I only read the last skim
WTF has hunting foxes got to do with writing a book about mink. Sorry you have lost me there. The fox is an indigenous species in this country, not an alian invader that does not fit into the ecosystem.
You mentioned loathing in relation to a pest species, so are you saying people can't relate to a person training a mink cos it's an invasive pest species? Well foxes are a loathed pest species......invasive or not....doesn't matter...
But do you really care? Cos I don't lol
Lol.. I'm not interested in a lengthy argument.......I just dipped in & found your lengthy post about why a complete stranger shouldn't write a book he wants to obviously feel more strongly about it than me........I'm more, live & let worries :-)
Must admit, I've only read his posts in the falconry section & someone put something up about the 'mink killing a terrier', just the usual sh*t of people trying knock someone down, for no particular reason, apart from they are just there & different.
I still don't see any reason for knocking someone who is writing a book, I wish him Good luck, whether I'm interested in the book or not.......
The guy might of got it wrong about a mink killing a terrier, but so what, don't get too exited about it FFS, big fuc*ing deal! The fact is, the guy has done something different than most of us, if he wants to write a book that's fine........books are written every day about many more mundane subjects......including various forms of hunting, that are not that interesting.....
Nice pics mate, I can see it must be pretty challenging in the wind, on ground, high & open like that........
Must be great in the right conditions though ;-)
This might sound strange, but I wouldn't go near a forum like the IFF until you've been hawking for a while........I first looked at the IFF about 5 years after I started hawking, by that point I knew my own mind, so I wasn't swayed by all the condescending, egotistical bullshit on there..........
Find someone good to help & read hollinshead. Good luck
The worst thing about drinking, smoking & taking drugs is the sheer amount of money it eats up in no you wouldn't dream of spending on private health care
As for extending life....there's always could smoke & drink as much as you like & die from skin cancer...
When we were kids, my mate's aunty had some kind of hound cross....looked like a leggy beagle, she claimed it had killed a couple of we tried lamping it...
We slipped it twice, after each slip it ran all the way home lol
Try Cabela's.........they have a large range, I haven't worn anything but their briar proof trouser for the last 8years, best protection against thorns I've come across
I've never been able to call a decent terrier off, although there's been a couple of occasions I've wanted to.........
Only the other week, I was told of a hunt terrier that will come off when it hears the sound of the terriermans quad starting up!............which he found handy