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Everything posted by Accip74

  1. I'm jealous of your fire place mate.....very nice.............dogs aren't bad either :-)
  2. buy a pup and train yourself,Best way to go I'd say & probably more rewarding............finding & buying a ready made dog that suits you has to be more difficult.
  3. Nice shot mate............just been trying that tube set you sent me, bit erratic at first, but starting settle down to a pattern now..........cheers :-)
  4. lol yes I do , does he keep terriers then ?Lol......I think he's got a good line of black dogs.......also a very knowlegable man when it comes to line breeding lolHe's tested his dogs on species most of us haven't even heard of..... Lmao sorry guys not terrier related I know just a question and yeah think he had a neutral bitch once lol seriously though if I had seen half of what that man has seen I would consider myself a very lucky man.Yeh what a life!........it's amazing how two brothers can have two very different careers & yet both leave their mark on generations of people all over t
  5. lol yes I do , does he keep terriers then ?Lol......I think he's got a good line of black dogs....... also a very knowlegable man when it comes to line breeding lol He's tested his dogs on species most of us haven't even heard of.....
  6. lol yes I do , does he keep terriers then ? Lol......I think he's got a good line of black dogs.......
  7. I moved from Glasgow to the highlands all because of work. c**ts come from foreign countries over here looking for work. Only the miners it seems can't move outside their wee village cos they are too scared of leaving the sanctuary of there wee built up community. I could find a 100 excuses every morning to stay longer in bed, but I don't. It's called motivation, something clearly lacking in a lot of folk. It's a lot easier to point the finger at someone else and say, they've destroyed my life and pass that philosophy down the generations. Don't worry lad, their ain't no jobs about, it's that
  8. Really nice looking black dogs there mate, good luck with their future.
  9. Thanks guys........I think I was as surprised as the crow was.....:-)
  10. First kill today, a crow at roughly 17 meters, a head shot with 10mm lead. The tubes are a tempory solution. Pic quality is not great due to minimising.
  11. The boots I've got are still waterproof, comftable & warm...... That's all I need.......not long in this country & not long back involved with digging........I'll let you know when there fcuked.....
  12. Ive tried a good few different boots too mate, i like the chainsaw boots to dig in but way to heavy for me to do any walking! Ive had danner boots last couple seasons and to be honest they aint much lighter! Think ill probably go for lowa or meindl for next season I've had harkila for the last 2 winters........ & done some digging with them recently over here......& they've been great
  13. Are you working them to guns or lurchers morton?
  14. Trust me.....if you're on the nose bag.....you need an hour.......& then there no guarantees....lol
  15. We had one when I was a kid in South Africa, my dad got it to keep the cats away from his pidgeon's ( he's a Yorkshire man) which it did with gusto.......& a good lizard dog as well :-)........ Not quite as showy though
  16. i like to see a well put together terrier and dare i say it some of these kc ones are smooth-fox-terrier-9.jpg That's got a pretty good head on it.........compared to some... download.jpgsmooth_fox_terrier_portrait_by_wolfscribe-d45s44k.jpg Am I detecting a soft spot for them stig? :-)
  17. The photos can be deceptive.........as me & my mate found out on one heavy night in London......
  18. i like to see a well put together terrier and dare i say it some of these kc ones are smooth-fox-terrier-9.jpg That's got a pretty good head on it.........compared to some...
  19. I thought this was gonna be a 'suns out...brings the hotties out' thread....... But yeh.......you're right.....these people are fcuking imbeciles!...................& so many of them...
  20. LOL, no that doesn't mean it didn't happen. This is the same as with the God thread, we say "you have no proof of God therefore why believe he exists?", they say "yeah, but you can't prove he doesn't". It's a pointless logic and nothing in our society is based on such a pointless logic. If I accused you of a serious crime, I would be expected to substantiate my claims with evidence, otherwise they are rightly considered utterly meaningless. The reason I asked for proof, is because everytime BoP control is mentioned the "huge amounts of birds are dumped" argument always comes up like it jus
  21. LOL, no that doesn't mean it didn't happen. This is the same as with the God thread, we say "you have no proof of God therefore why believe he exists?", they say "yeah, but you can't prove he doesn't". It's a pointless logic and nothing in our society is based on such a pointless logic. If I accused you of a serious crime, I would be expected to substantiate my claims with evidence, otherwise they are rightly considered utterly meaningless. The reason I asked for proof, is because everytime BoP control is mentioned the "huge amounts of birds are dumped" argument always comes up like it jus
  22. LOL, no that doesn't mean it didn't happen. This is the same as with the God thread, we say "you have no proof of God therefore why believe he exists?", they say "yeah, but you can't prove he doesn't". It's a pointless logic and nothing in our society is based on such a pointless logic. If I accused you of a serious crime, I would be expected to substantiate my claims with evidence, otherwise they are rightly considered utterly meaningless. The reason I asked for proof, is because everytime BoP control is mentioned the "huge amounts of birds are dumped" argument always comes up like it jus
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