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Everything posted by Accip74

  1. I really like it........I've jugged if a few times & with a bit of dark chocolate added to the source it can be great, but it can be tricky to get right.... I got some here in the supermarket & only the back legs came out nice & tender.
  2. You must be pleased with the way they've turned out so far corkyjohn..........very nice mate.
  3. Accip74


    I've recently found out, 1 female plant is tolerated in belgium..............just received my order from the DutchSeedBank :-)
  4. Yeh it does mate.........I'm not trying to contradict what is essentially sound advice here, but if I'd of followed that wisdom to the T........I wouldn't of took up falconry...... & without wishing to sound mellow dramatic, it change my life! for the better & forever, in lot of way's I hadn't even expected. It takes just as much commitment to get it right twice a week as it does four times a week & I know I'm not the exception....
  5. Accip74

    The Sea....

    Combining the sea with a great city is a winner.........like Barcelona
  6. .....best catch I had was 2010 Boxing Day......male harris....3 rabbits & 1 cock pheasant by lunch time......a wkend bird :-)
  7. To be honest pointer, with a male harris & gos I usually only hunted twice a week, with the exception of maybe an hour after work until the clocks changed & a two week Christmas break.......very occasionally I lamped..... With both hawks I took anywhere from 68-101 head, sept-feb, according to my diary's........ This was mainly rabbit/pheasant & occasional various, over 14 different locations I hunted on...... With good weight control, good land & a very stringent exercise program, with a lot of contact......you can get good results & most importantly please yourself. Of
  8. The other advantage to hypothetically hunting muntjac, is where they can be found these days....any & everywhere!! Can be tough customers though.......
  9. Very nice mate.............I was out hawking one day, when I returned to the van, a photographer had left a note on the windscreen, wanting to come out...........I really regret not contacting them now. I like the juvenile plumage of a harris :-)
  10. You beat me to it, I've just switched on.....
  11. It's tricky to say which takes up more time to be honest, I grew up with terriers & lurchers & they took up most of my spare time, my own personal lurchers were just mooching dogs, neither lamping machines nor super fit coursing dogs though. Most time was spent with the terriers, getting them right & finding them work, which at various time's was anywhere from 3 to 8 dogs, this took up all my spare time.......... In comparison I've only ever kept one hawk & no dogs at the time & it was a lot easier........but I was older & more organised :-) one thing I could
  12. Just remember you wont be able to rely on effective lamping on a weekly basis throughout the season with a hawk, what with the moon, high winds, heavy rain & possibly snow, you will also need a good alternative fitness ragime.
  13. Wasn't he put over a bitch called Eva?......
  14. Same here.........interesting thread
  15. Come on baw let it go mate.............you're sounding like you're the last to find out lol..........move on mate...
  16. Always more to look forward to mate.........more land, your hawk get's more efficient etc..........your posts have been good though ;-)
  17. Good post ponte......& I've enjoyed your other posts also.....:-)
  18. I have done it when I lost the cap to a Marshall scout & I've left the receiver in the van plenty of times...........wouldn't recommend it though....... Flying without bells is really weird :-)
  19. A great women RIP I loved her blackout anecdotes.....
  20. Cracking looking pup, good luck with it.....
  21. I like the black dog in your avatar mate
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