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Everything posted by Accip74

  1. I wish you the best butAre you going to be saying the same thing when interest rates rise and house prices fall ..... What a strange thing to say.If you've never had a mortgage then you will never know how good it feels to know that what you've got around you is yours. I rented from the age of 17-23 and it is dog shit. Wasted money living by someone else's rules. Asking for permission to paint a wall Even if house prices fall over the next few years then there is no way that in 25 years when my mortgage is paid off I will be worse off than if I had rented. Why is it a strange thing to say
  2. Don't watch it then.......there are options
  3. Accip74

    Trophy Pics

    That's the trouble with keeping pics on devices.......like we all do now, all my pics of my Harris are on a Nokia phone, which is lying dead in the draw now :-( & lost a load more recently on an IPhone that can't be fixed...... Yeh I was really fond of my male Harris........great little birds......& sadly overlooked by many prospective falconer's.
  4. These mass shootings are becoming so frequent in the US.........their barely gonna make the news soon....
  5. I don't do as much as I'd like, but I now grow all my own herbs now, which I use on a weekly basis in the kitchen..... I'm also growing my own weed for the first time, outside........which is nice....
  6. Good to see you're keeping busy mate, didn't realise you were still in, hope you're sorted soon......
  7. Accip74

    Trophy Pics

    Lol.....a cat & a hawk are two things I wouldn't want to be separating.......
  8. Accip74

    Trophy Pics

    Yeh.....what you'd expect from a big rabbit...........strangely enough, my male Harris took one the same size, almost exactly a year before, a 100 yards from that spot :-)
  9. Accip74

    Trophy Pics

    It got up.....so I slipped him lol.........those muntjac breed all year round where I was in England, you would see all different sizes through the winter. That one was only about 5lb..........funny thing about that, is that I slow cooked it for me & a mate & it tasted like rabbit! The venison flavour hadn't developed yet.......
  10. Accip74

    Trophy Pics

    Ok so the falconry section is a little dead at the moment.......so lets see your favourite trophy pictures of past glories....... These are a couple of mine....
  11. Grandparents were all dead by the time I was 4..............so not even any money off the fcukers.....
  12. Blade Runner Apocalypse Now
  13. We always had a bulldog fork with us, handy in lots of ways..........heavy fcuker though :-(
  14. Yeh spot on.........McQueen narrowly missed murder as well, he was supposed to be there that night, stopped in a bar on the way & met some girl instead.......
  15. Yeh you're right there........they make me laugh when you see them interviewed, they just say the most cliche rock & roll shite lol
  16. There are some recordings knocking about of Charlie singing some of his songs..........he had a little bit of talent, but only a little :-). He done something with one of the Wilson brothers (beech boys), until apparently, he scared the shit out of him.....
  17. It's illegal to remove freshwater fish..................yer it's illegal to remove a lot of wildlife but it don't stop a lot of lads still doing it ! Be it fish to a pheasant hare and in land where there not supposed to be. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone Point taken, but I was just trying to say that hunting rabbits with a dog is legal. Removing freshwater fish isn't - aside from the fact that (if you take them from a private lake) you're not only stealing them, but you're depriving someone of their livelihood. Surely no-one can think that's OK ?? it's all stealing are you n
  18. Stone roses are quality mate, haven't got to see them yet!!Watched oasis, back in the day, at West Point arena ( Devon county ground) f**k me they did not want to be there... Liam was acting the twat, people were flashing those laser pen things about, he kept saying they were shining it in his eyes and was gonna walk off... We all knew he just was pissed off playing a fancy farm lol... Travis were the support, before they had a song out really, I heard them from the bar lol Saw them at the Boardwalk in the early days and a few more times over the years last time I saw them was Lancashire cri
  19. What is the f***ing point of that shite!............shooting men with small cocks......& large wallets
  20. Stone roses are quality mate, haven't got to see them yet!!Watched oasis, back in the day, at West Point arena ( Devon county ground) f**k me they did not want to be there... Liam was acting the twat, people were flashing those laser pen things about, he kept saying they were shining it in his eyes and was gonna walk off... We all knew he just was pissed off playing a fancy farm lol... Travis were the support, before they had a song out really, I heard them from the bar lol Saw them at the Boardwalk in the early days and a few more times over the years last time I saw them was Lancashire cri
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