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Everything posted by Accip74

  1. When I was about 18, me & my mate were out on the wkend as usual looking for a dig........we'd been out all morning & no result, so decided to check out a little wood where we'd had a dig in the past......anyway, the usual spot didn't hold, so we walked back through the middle of the wood & found a little shallow rabbit bury, that had been freshly dug out, probably the night before. I had two terriers with me that both gave a strong mark......we were on! We were well chuffed, this was gonna be a nice easy result & then home.......I tied up the two terriers so we could have a q
  2. Maybe she'd just been shagged by her boyfriend........
  3. I really liked him when I was a kid. Rip
  4. ....so glad Sheryl Crow didn't marry that prick.....
  5. It'd rather watch the two blondes doing a few rounds......
  6. Me & my mate were digging foxes aged 11, with my dad's terriers while he was working abroad........2 mute dogs, no locator.......holes everywhere lol First one we dug, I carried it home down the street slung over my shoulder for all to see.......we were so proud.... Are 11 year olds allowed out on their own now?
  7. I'm sure a teenage girl would appreciate Camden/Camden market..........& it needn't be expensive.......have a good trip, whatever you do.....
  8. Too late pal mrs coming home.tommrow. Lol Plenty of time!!......
  9. No..... really?........... LOL. Guess we'll not find out who on THL would have fell for it now Accip. Just checking mate.............it can be confusing with the American stuff......... It's alright, I'm so fecking serious all the time my dry humour is beyond everyone. Or mine beyond you......lol
  10. ......& still no suggestion better than a whore?...........I guess the big decision now is.......black or eastern european...... Good luck...
  11. No..... really?........... LOL. Guess we'll not find out who on THL would have fell for it now Accip. Just checking mate.............it can be confusing with the American stuff.........
  12. Logging on here can become a habit like anything else..........but if it makes you unhappy, read a book or do so something else .....it's not an addiction ffs....so you shouldn't need assistance to stop using the site IMO
  13. Nice way to describe your "Mate" TC You know what tiercel I wish I could remember the details....lol.......we were getting messed up together in brussels last year & he was giving away lodge secrets........be damed if I can remember them now lol......But yeh I've known him since we were 11.......so I know he's a kunt...... If he revealed secrets that he took an oath to never reveal then your are correct he is a," see you next tuesday" ,because his word is worthless.Having said that you judge a man by the company he keeps do you not? Absolutely mate........so have you been blackballed?
  14. Nice way to describe your "Mate" TC You know what tiercel I wish I could remember the details....lol.......we were getting messed up together in brussels last year & he was giving away lodge secrets........be damed if I can remember them now lol......But yeh I've known him since we were 11.......so I know he's a kunt...... If he revealed secrets that he took an oath to never reveal then your are correct he is a," see you next tuesday" ,because his word is worthless.Having said that you judge a man by the company he keeps do you not? Absolutely mate........so have you been blackballed
  15. My mate doesn't believe in fcuk all.......like most of them......it's just networking, connections & ultimately lining their pockets
  16. Nice way to describe your "Mate" TC You know what tiercel I wish I could remember the details....lol.......we were getting messed up together in brussels last year & he was giving away lodge secrets........be damed if I can remember them now lol...... But yeh I've known him since we were 11.......so I know he's a kunt......
  17. My mate got in to the Freemasons last year.......the ceremony he had was proper 'Kubrick' style weirdness......I now know they'll take any kunt......as long as you know the right kunts.
  18. Unfortunately these kids were the perfect f**k fodder for the elite, the faceless underbelly of society that had zero status in the world.... & it probably saved the arses of many nieces/nephews & family friends kids...... Of course today the equivalent would be going to south east asia to vent their frustrations.......
  19. An inquiry into establishment pedophiles run by the establishment......... I can't imagine they'll give up too many of their own, although Leon Britton may find himself the sacrificial lamb...... Last thing they will want is more names to add to the ever growing list of pedophiles with strong royal connections....... It's bad for business......
  20. Nice training session for Germany.........
  21. My mrs said the Germans aren't playing nice.....lol.....& she meant it......lol
  22. If you fancy a change, you can also try Copenhagen..........look up Christiania........
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