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Everything posted by Accip74

  1. Just a tidy up.........I’m a pretty minimalist gardener ?
  2. Disclaimer No pheasants were actually harmed during the making of this thread
  3. Yeah I agree. I was the same......I worked every summer holiday all summer from the age of 12, but a lot of my mates didn’t. Something changes with each generation for sure, some good, some bad. Parents make a big difference. My brother & sister always had holiday/part time jobs, but some parents just don’t encourage it for whatever reason. Sounds like a nice place you’re in anyway ?
  4. “Shocking the mentality of some the kids these days” ......& so that echos through the ages....
  5. I made pate with part of one just for fun, but it was rubbish.......scuppered my plan for a brag on the ‘what’s cooking’ thread ?
  6. Seen as it’s confession time.......I too have shot a couple round my place recently. Going to try them deep fried, anyone tried that?
  7. Ideally that sounds great Surely anyone in today’s Britain (obviously before the virus) that really wanted to work could find work? I honestly haven’t personally known anyone out work for 20 years. Yeah I know people who don’t work, but they earn by other means..........but the works there if you want it.
  8. Probably a disproportionate amount of foreign shit causing all the problems ?
  9. Their shutdown has also been way more relaxed. For a densely populated country that’s pretty good.
  10. To be fair what you end up doing has just become way more diverse depending on your geographical location. The part of the world we are from has always been ahead on the job market compared to other parts of the country. People I went to school with went in all different directions.......the options were there. I would say those farmers in my area using foreign labour over 30 years ago was originally due to lack of local labour for seasonal work, unemployment wasn’t particularly high. It would been a mix of Eastern European’s & local students. Then gradually it becomes the norm to use
  11. Fruit farms in north Essex have been using foreign labour for at least 30-40 years. I know that for a fact. It’s not a sudden cultural shift.
  12. When I was on a maintenance team at a zoo it was just a steady stream of lads like that. One morning pushing barrows of concrete up hill normally done the trick. Fcuking useless. All English lads, the french owner didn’t like foreigners ?
  13. The Bundy tapes is definitely not on the ‘nice’ pile ? Wild Wild Country blew me away though....mainly because I didn't know anything about it. It also had a great soundtrack ?
  14. Judging by this thread I’m guessing a women..........................yeah you really need a women mate! ?
  15. So I’ve done Tiger King, Wild Wild Country, Bundy Tapes & Unibomber in that order.........what’s next? Keeping it real at moment, can’t be arsed with fictional umpteenth season stuff...........what you reckon?
  16. Lad down bottom of the hill from me had one until his Mrs fcuked off & had to sell the house. It was outside all day with a kangol, no shelter, rain or shine on a corner garden behind a fence made from sheets of reinforcing mesh! Just bouncing off the fence all day at passerby’s! He told me he didn’t trust it with visitors.............yeah no shit! ??
  17. Yet another Brit cartoon crime caper..............just what we need ?
  18. Looks like a lovely bit of land ?
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