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Everything posted by Accip74

  1. lol ain't that got Steve McQueen in it Yeh...early role for him mate, not his finest hour.....lol
  2. What about 'Man Bites Dog'?...........not so much horror, but horrific lol.......very dark humour
  3. Otherwise known as the 'vet's bread and butter' So often riddled with inherited illnesses, as well as being immobile, mindless yapping twats. It true my dads had an ongoing skin problem lol.........good house though They nearly all do mate We'll cross that off the list then......lol
  4. Otherwise known as the 'vet's bread and butter' So often riddled with inherited illnesses, as well as being immobile, mindless yapping twats. It true my dads had an ongoing skin problem lol.........good house dog though
  5. I think The Exorcist still stands up as one of the greatest..........I generally think most are total shite...... Edited to say.....the history & story of the making of the exorcist is nearly as chilling as the film itself.....
  6. I think that's a good shout for an old boy, my old man & his mrs had one from a rescue for a house dog........docile as fcuk, never any bother.....
  7. RIP........Pinkie in Brighton Rock was a classic performance.....
  8. Accip74

    Phones Lol

    All women do this bird.......why I don't know, whenever I make a call I either go to another part of the house or outside.....but every women I've lived with insist on making a call next to you while you're trying to watch the TV!......my wife will even do this with Skype lol........I just turn the TV right up until they move lol
  9. Now there's an idea for a thread......;-)...........check her out in...The Cook, The Thief, His Wife & Her Lover........sublime...
  10. My dad's 74 soon, still very active & pretty fit despite having a stroke a few years ago..........always busy with something & his last tear up with someone was less than 10 years ago! Lol
  11. Only ever had one from pizza hut years ago.............total shite, never again......
  12. Dubnobasswithmyheadman.............Underworld
  13. Tried truffles last year lads.....lol.......you're never too old.....;-)
  14. Just a few recent ones are.......being at the top of Montserrat mountain & having a peregrine soar past within a few metres, a sparrowhawk flying into my kitchen last summer & watching a weasel chase a mouse round a large gravel drive, one frosty morning in England last winter.....
  15. My old man never laid a finger on me, although I definitely deserved the odd wack.......
  16. I bet you didn't get to stick your 'cock' in that 'bird' for a week or two after that incident. She was an anti mate....not a lesbian........she just couldn't resist.....lol
  17. I lived with an 'Anti' for five years....lol....not an active one, or even that vocal about it...but being a zoo keeper & an all round 'bunny hugger' she found the idea of hunting & killing an animal abhorrent......so yeh, an 'anti' Throughout this period I flew hawks, which she accepted, but didn't want to hear about it.......the great thing being, I was able to hand over the complete husbandry of the ferrets to her, of which she done a great job..... Curiosity finally got the better of her, when I'd persuaded her to come & see the hawk fly on the field over the road. I assured
  18. Never played in a band........despite playing guitar for 15 years Never been to lakeside.........despite being from Essex Never shot any game.........despite being a shotgun owner for 15 years
  19. Hope not.......I'd be screwed!
  20. Some do exist mate,they aren't all ruled by religion.........my wife being one of them, she comes from a large family, most of which are married to non Muslims & just live ordinary lives, although they had quite strict muslim parents, they took their own paths......My wife is probably the most detached from Islam though, in so much as their isn't anything she really sticks to within Islam.........marrying me being the biggest lol
  21. Do you seriously believe the UK and US should completely pull out of the middle east? The strait of Hormuz closes and in 3 months this country stops dead.... Anti Piracy operations end in the Indian ocean and the threat to world shipping goes which way? I've said we have made foreign policy errors, but our military presence in the middle eastern region is absolutely essential to our lives in the UK. It's conflict I'm talking about, of course we have presence all over the world, but the direct actions we've been involved in over the last 10 years has done us no favours....or policy errors as
  22. Do you seriously believe the UK and US should completely pull out of the middle east? The strait of Hormuz closes and in 3 months this country stops dead.... Anti Piracy operations end in the Indian ocean and the threat to world shipping goes which way? I've said we have made foreign policy errors, but our military presence in the middle eastern region is absolutely essential to our lives in the UK. It's conflict I'm talking about, of course we have presence all over the world, but the direct actions we've been involved in over the last 10 years has done us no favours....or policy errors as
  23. Not at all, but if Sweden was of strategic importance and the British empire and Russian empire knew that, then yeah I would invade and occupy. It may have increased the danger compared to staying out completely but it's also kept the oil flowing.... You would make a great spin doctor born....... I think us, the little people, would be much happier as a nation, maybe even safer if we'd had absolutely no involvement in the last 10 or so years........& maybe take our chances like many other nations do, that also rely on oil...... I'm sure you have the answers mate, but I think
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