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Everything posted by Accip74

  1. Accip74

    New To Falconry

    South Wales too far from Bristol??? I think that's a good offer mate, even if only just for one day, to get the feel of things..... Before I got my first Harris hawk.....I travelled 2 hours to a guy on few occasions to get some experience, which I think done me some good & it's good craic! Don't be afraid to jump in your car & get out there mate! Obviously I understand if you don't drive.... Good luck anyway..
  2. Seen same on Camden high street mate......
  3. I haven't read the details of the story, but the victims are usually 'in care' (oh, the irony in that statement !), or from troubled, abusive or neglectful backgrounds - which, in my view, makes the crime even more cold - hearted ( if that's possible ), because vulnerable girls are being deliberately singled out, abused and victimized, for the gratification of depraved perverts. No punishment is too harsh............ !! Yeh quite right mate, must admit I don't know many details, a lot of people have failed these kids, sometimes long before they got into the hands of these scum......it se
  4. Starting again from scratch this year & really looking forward to it......:-) Good luck!
  5. you would need to dig two feckin' big holes! first one for the dog to draw from and the second to bury the useless sack of sh#t! I thought a terrier man needed a lurcher to course the fox if it bolted. If he needs it for drawing well then he's not much of a terrier man, is he ? Regarding Wolfhounds, if I remember correctly I think there was a coursing competition held for them years ago and someone wrote afterwards that those Wolfhounds that did reach their quarry didn't want to kill it when they got there. Anyways, the Wolfhound of today is a modern breed, so to speak, they were extinct a
  6. Obviously the men committing these crimes, whoever they are, are rotten to the core......but where are the parents of these 1400 kids??.......WTF have they been doing to keep their children safe??
  7. All looks good there mate......good luck with them!
  8. Thanks for the replies.......that's enlightened me a bit.....I will try a little bit first, before I go for the mushroom risotto lol Skycat....it's only really occurred to me today, that they might be cepes & it's my second summer in this house....but that's what I was thinking 'lucky me!' I'll let you know ;-)
  9. Accip74


    Frazdog...if your dogs have got the staying power you have, they must do you proud mate........keep at em' mate!
  10. No you said they were fine mate....lol I've only googled images so far & Ive bought some in the past, they do seem to match....but my experience of picking edible mushrooms is zero, so I'm not sure what to do really.......
  11. These are growing in my garden, they look like cepes to me.......anything look just like them that can fcuk you up?
  12. Recently discovered Doug Stanhope.....although he's been around for years.......well worth a look
  13. My favourite Bernard Manning joke.....as he looks into the crowd.......'If you my daughter, I'd still be fcuking bathing you' lol A lot of he's material still works today . All the best comedians stuff does......
  14. My favourite Bernard Manning joke.....as he looks into the crowd.......'If you were my daughter, I'd still be fcuking bathing you' lol
  15. A sky blue Seat van, less than 1liter...lol....22 years ago..I normally had a bitch or two in it,,,but they were usually terriers lol
  16. I don't think Danny Dyer takes himself too seriously, so I'm not sure why anyone else would..........I think he's taking the piss most of time..... Human Traffic was good though...........very much how my own life was for a few years.......well some of it..lol
  17. Always liked Dave Allen........Bill Hicks is one of my all time favourites...........anyone remember Jerry Sadowitz?.....
  18. I've got the iPad Air........which definitely handles 4oD.......only not for me, as I'm outside the uk :-(............I just hear white noise when they start talking tech stuff though lol........so I'm probably not the best to ask.....
  19. Nice....good luck with your season
  20. That really did scare me as a kid!
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