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Everything posted by Accip74

  1. I know exactly what you mean, I just can’t have the tv on for anything non specific. I barely ever watch anything now on conventional tv channels, it’s just mostly bollocks!
  2. To be honest mate in this age of online unlimited access to anything you want to watch......Netflix, YouTube etc etc etc it baffles me how people find stuff on tv to complain about, why watch it?
  3. I’m sure if the opposition were handling this crisis everybody on here would be just as forgiving towards them ?
  4. I just had a little reminder of how vigilant we still need to be with this shit. One of the parents from my kids school has just got. She is a nurse at a resident care home. As far as I know she’ll be fine, but it just go’s to show how quickly that shit could spread in our village community if our kids were still at school.
  5. Like the sound of this. I’ll see how how it go’s for me this year with this conventional vege patch I’ve started, but may look into trying it ?
  6. Accip74


    What’s instant?
  7. The Last Honey Hunter is worth 35 minutes of anyone’s time
  8. Accip74


    How does it differ from this? I’m tempted, but still don’t get it....
  9. The Belgians are just shocked this fractured little country has managed to coordinate quite a good response. The population seem pretty compliant & the food shops have been brilliant in the way they’ve handled it. As for the media I don’t follow it. My mum knows more about what’s going on here than me ?
  10. It was gleaned from the fact that pandemics have been spoken as threat for years by science, not me, what do I know? But warnings have been there to governments, some obviously more serious than others, but this isn’t totally unexpected, just a massive surprise to us all that it actually became real.
  11. It’s not funny, you are. We spend billions of defence, so why not spend a billion on preparing for a pandemic? It’s not just the U.K. it’s a common flaw across the world. You suggested the threat of pandemics were conspiracy theory’s didn’t you? To suggest we needed a crystal ball for better preparation is nonsense
  12. No but they spend billions on national defence ? & past viruses that ran the risk of being pandemics we’re just science fiction?
  13. What planning for the inevitable? This has been spoken about for donkeys years mate. It go’s way back before this current government lineup obviously, but let’s get fcuking real here !?
  14. It’s not just government's either. You also have to factor in how compliant the population is & how they go about safeguarding themselves.
  15. Surely we can agree that some countries will of handled this better than others? Given the information they received? or have been better prepared in the first place?
  16. Well I like the Germans ?
  17. Could only get back on through my history.....weird
  18. Hope everything works out mate
  19. Accip74

    Cowabunga !

    Yes cheaper than I was thinking, but I guess it’s all subjective. So what’s the plan with them?
  20. Yes mate. This our second batch now, I think the first took at least a week or so then never stopped over 18 months! So I hope these are as good. Yeah get some when you’re ready, you can’t beat your own eggs ?
  21. Not yet, but I am an impatient twat......it’s only been a week & a half
  22. Accip74

    Cowabunga !

    “Like real farmers!” As my boy would say ? How much does something like that cost to buy? Is it less than you’d think?
  23. ....& these fcukers haven’t started earning their keep yet ?
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