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Everything posted by Accip74

  1. Man biting & shit at barn work.......not the best advert..lol
  2. It's meant to be 18 degrees here tomorrow, winter seems to be later each year recently.....
  3. They will still deal.....only cheaper shite, quality & pharmaceutical quality comes at a price + tax.......
  4. FFS that is unbelievable. :bad: Don't click on the link if your squeamish. https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=krokodil+drug&biw=1350&bih=632&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=I5dTVKOVGseV7AbamIEw&ved=0CDkQsAQ TC Doesn't look like much fun......
  5. You can't educate against curiosity & enjoyment.......I knew smoking gave you cancer from a very young age, I started smoking cigarettes at aged 21!......took me ten years to quit.... In the 90s we knew Ecstasy wasn't a health drug, we took loads of it & enjoyed the experience on a major scale..... I'm not saying we shouldn't educate, you are quite right......but awareness will never stop youth experimenting in life.....
  6. You made good choices, like we all can.....I've never tried anything truly hard like heroin or crack, because I never wanted to.....I thought it would be a risk to far.....
  7. Some good points of view on both sides......must admit, when I was younger & did most of my drug taking, I was much more 'anti' legalise, I thought it would be madness.... ....but as I've got older it's seems to make more sense, if only to free up an already stretched police force......decriminalising weed is a no-brainer now, have you seen the amount of grow shops out there now? There must be a grow in some form, on nearly every street now......& we are trying to police that?? The Americans are starting to get wise to this now, they know it's futile & so do our own police....
  8. Unless you're tea total that's a daft thing to say tbh, even chocolate has an effect on the mind, the chemicals it contains mimic the feeling of love, maybe why lots of women are addicted to it? That's just nit picking. You know that I am speaking of drugs or alcohol which turn people into gibbering wrecks, comatose, lying in their own filth, unable to wash, feed themselves properly, and I do know what I'm talking about: I've unfortunately seen too many alcoholics in my life. They are just as bad as any drug addicts and the problem is only getting worse these days. Alcohol is legal and just
  9. Make sense? Crazy idea?.......what do you think?
  10. Yeh these things are often less to do with weight than incentive, motivation......I had to refocus my second male Harris on rabbits....After this session.... I over did it with him that morning.....took til the rest of the season to get him right again, lots of single rabbit kills & a good feed up....
  11. Like you say, it may be hard to avoid them, but if it was me I would concentrate on rabbits for a while & just do single kills, give a good feed up & go home........then when I next returned to somewhere with a good mix of quarry, I'd tweak her weight a bit to get her more focused, then see what happens......if that didn't work for me, I'd live with it....lol I'm not saying that should be you're course of action......but it's probably what I would try first..... Edited to say.......I did quite a bit of ferreting on my own, I can't say it was the most enjoyable & a little stre
  12. The cat doesn't get dragged in......on the slow mo' replay, you can see it gets away....
  13. Britain in the 20s - 30s.......for the hunting & women.... New York in the 50s......for the jazz & women..... San Fracisco.....in the late 60s......for the drugs & women......
  14. Well done mate & happy birthday......
  15. There divining rods mate.....old way of finding water, minerals etc....I have heard of men using them in pre-locator days, to find terriers....
  16. Suite ? Should he just wear the settee, or go with the armchair too ? (Sorry mate - couldn't resist ! ) Haha you got me......I normally notice after posting....hence all my edited posts, I guess I'll leave that one.....:-)
  17. If you've got a suitable suite, wear it, some don't.....so shirt & trousers is next best thing....
  18. .....& probably one of many reasons why they can still dig legally today..... That was the reason for my question. I remember someone (possibly Liam Delany) saying that the countries which do not have a tradition of draw dogs (Norway, France, Germany, Hungary etc) are still able to legally dig badger today. Where as those countries which have previously used draw dogs (UK, Ireland) are now not able to dig badger at all. It is the correlation between the use of draw dogs and the subsequent banning of badger digging which I was interested in exploring. I was seeking confirmation
  19. Lol......he should of been on the prosecution.....
  20. .....& probably one of many reasons why they can still dig legally today.....
  21. I was visiting my dad in Brittany a couple of weeks ago & he was surrounded by them, he routinely used his hand to check if they were on......a 74 old with a pace maker!!.....& he thought I was the soft cnut for telling him off :-)
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