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Everything posted by Accip74

  1. Courtney Barnett..........Pedestrian at Best
  2. Praying to god in the face of death is a sign of desperation that many of us may experience, doesn't necessarily mean enlightenment......I'm more interested in the atrocities committed by the religious.....whether it's child rape or all out war, what do their prayers consist of then? Catholics, Muslims, Christians, Jews etc etc.....just seems like a facade to me, a 'get out of jail card'..... Sorry, I don't buy the first part. I've been in harms way more times than I can even remember. I don't call on God out of desperation. I call because I know what he can do for me. For the crimes, war
  3. Still pretty lively 10+ years ago....although Bangkok blows it out of the water for extremes.....
  4. i was based in Honkers years back when I was a kid we used to call the chicken-feet addidas or nike bloody expensive ther now the chokis have took it back happy days in wanchi Wan chai?? You dirty b*****d!!....lol.....you have to know the score down there...;-)
  5. Well put it this way.....if you started a topic about Darth Vader i wouldnt even bother clicking on it.........you get my drift But plenty would......;-)
  6. I shopped there once when I was really skint.....bought a pack of 4 identical beef steaks lol, couldn't even bring myself to feed them to the hawk, let alone myself in the end..... I just stayed skint & ate well regardless.....
  7. Praying to god in the face of death is a sign of desperation that many of us may experience, doesn't necessarily mean enlightenment......I'm more interested in the atrocities committed by the religious.....whether it's child rape or all out war, what do their prayers consist of then? Catholics, Muslims, Christians, Jews etc etc.....just seems like a facade to me, a 'get out of jail card'.....
  8. So does this streak of curtain twitching in us run from top to bottom or bottom to top you reckon ?......Just adds up to me that you poke your nose in enough trouble sooner or later someones going to bite it off. It takes a bit more than 9 year olds banter to rattle my jimjams mate im just making a point thats all....besides which i tried to give an opinion to your question the other day but you wasnt happy with that so what answer is it you want to a question theres no factual evidence to....that would be like me asking your opinion on the big bang and then saying your answers wrong. I agr
  9. Since I joined the thl, it's all 'smashed gear that's been put away' to me now......I can never go back lol
  10. Get what your saying gnash, but us as a nation? we the people didn't send soldiers anywhere......it was politicians & business men.....& some leaders with so-called Christian values......
  11. Hopefully Hammond disappears into obscurity..............just a pipe dream....
  12. Cool...I'll be able to watch from my garden this time :-)......last time I was in a road gang in Colchester town centre, giving it a squinting sideways glance from a dusty trench....lol
  13. There's german porn mogul who lives round the corner from me & he's got all 3.........I'll try & ask him for you lol
  14. Careful mate......some folk will be calling them a pest! no thats tawny`s,buzzards and goshawks Don't forget sparrow hawks, kites & harriers......lol
  15. Careful mate......some folk will be calling them a pest!
  16. Where else is this happening? You really think deer numbers will plummet because of a population explosion of lynx?? Lol For it's size England is probably one of the most shot over & dogged country's out there..... yeh I know what you mean , lol the only thing that will plummet will be sheep numbers, its common-sense any predator .wolf,cat,dog, will go for a easy kill 1st , there not going to risk a horn, antler or hoofs , when sheep easy kill . and not so sure your average type lurcher would tackle a lynx , bloody hell some dogs think twice about killing a poxy 18-20lb fox o
  17. Where else is this happening? You really think deer numbers will plummet because of a population explosion of lynx?? Lol For it's size England is probably one of the most shot over & dogged country's out there.....
  18. Accip74


    I've never been forced to give to any charity, so not sure what all the fuss is about really.......I take it every one is still using the same banks?
  19. Just Robbie Williams.......I can tolerate everything else life throws at me.....
  20. First day on site I asked an electrician for ''sparks for the grinder.......''
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