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Everything posted by Accip74

  1. Well worth reading, I used a combination of ideas & information from those books when approaching my first gos......& I had great results! believe me, I've read everything else out there, including the Peter smith book & they barely scratch the surface with goshawks......Atb
  2. Had it a couple of years ago after a blood test....thought I had a blood clot lol......get it checked out & fcuk the thl....
  3. You're keen!........one or two more seasons & that bird will be in moult by the end of February lol....
  4. Oooh...have you got neighbours?? lol The imprint Accipiter by Mike McDermott Understanding Goshawks by Daryl A Perkins The latter isn't strictly about imprints, but the author has a lot of experience with them & a large part of the book refers to them. I really liked this book, but he does conclude flying a parent reared is more pleasurable ;-) .....& if things don't go plain sailing with your imprint, I recommend Accipitrine Behaviour Problems, Diagnosis & Treatment. also by Mike McDermott......a very interesting book, but if I was you I would get them all!
  5. Accip74


    I'm still none the wiser lol
  6. All excellent advice above.....:-) I can only reiterate the importance of land/quarry, if you think you've got enough, you probably haven't! & use your imagination.....when I first started I put card in my local farm shop offering FREE RABBIT CONTROL.....ok a little artistic licence there lol, but it got people calling! Although many of the places I visited were unsuitable, I did get a couple of real gems from it, one of which led to many more places & experiences.....:-) If you do find a kind of mentor, make sure they are 'open' to other ideas & suggestions, nothing worse than so
  7. Exactly! You can do far worse & get off a lot lighter........it's a scary thought if that sets a precedent....
  8. people go on about walking bike work thats ok for endurance but you cant walk a dog fit . youve got to add sprint work . its the same as the mill you couldnt just use one of them to get ya dog fit. you neec a combo of them all . you dont see a boxer rugby player etc just going for a jog and walk. they do sprint work . theyve got to to get wind . this is why i think a lot of dogs fail because there not fit enough. when you put your dog in first thing is 20 mins plus of intense work till bottled up then there baying mixing (stamina) then 25mins plus till the break through intense holding them
  9. Even the birds didn't notice here.....total cloud coverage :-(
  10. Complete non event here lol
  11. Strangely enough I was working outside a magistrate court that day......they were all coming out as well :-)
  12. My wife has took some days off work this season to look after the boy, so I could go digging in the week :-) She's a cracker! :-)
  13. Watership down yep well spotted a good book . I was a little obsessed with the film as a kid, in fact Bigwig was my first childhood hero! haha....
  14. Well done mate, great thread, I'm sure many have enjoyed it! That pups a cracker! Atb
  15. Accip74

    Low Carb Diet

    What about folks metabolism's.......what do you think? Does it make a big difference? My family is quite split....me & my sister have always 'got away' with what we eat, not being particularly careful, but my mum & brother have always struggled with weight & generally seem to be on some sort of diet....
  16. Accip74

    Low Carb Diet

    That's another myth that always gripes me, the gym! It's seems to have creeped in to popular opinion that to lose weight you HAVE to go to the gym or be more active.... COMPLETE FALLACY! As long as this myth continues to be pushed by all the authorities and experts and Joe in the chip shop normal people who want to shift a stone of two but are not part of any fitness circles will get nowhere. Weight is lost through calorie deficit. Concentrate on your time in the kitchen, forget the gym unless cardiovascular fitness or physical performance is also a consideration. I've never set foot in a
  17. Accip74

    Low Carb Diet

    A good quality, varied & everything 'cooked from scratch' diet & an active lifestyle.....you can't go wrong... I eat lots of everything! white meat, red meat, lots of fish, lots of different fruit & veg, pulses, all kinds of different carbs......the only thing that's ever put weight on me is Belgian beer, that's a killer.....but thats easily dealt with :-)
  18. Any catholic priests commission you??
  19. Accip74

    Low Carb Diet

    I love all that stuff too much & I'm still only a 32" waist......so I'll hold off for a while yet, but my brother follows the same & he's done really well, for over a year now....Atb
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