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Everything posted by Accip74

  1. Nobody says it better than Trump
  2. That’s a good point mate. They probably can here, but not sure. You certainly wouldn’t walk into anywhere here without one, you’d be strung up by the customers! ?. I haven’t seen a single person in a shop without one since July when made mandatory.
  3. It’s a €750 fine here for the shop owner, at least that’s what my barber told me.....
  4. I personally think the mask is being over egged & has become more like a comfort blanket or symbol of ‘doing something’, while trying to get away with everything else, rather than the great prevention it’s being sold as. No mandatory or little mask use in Sweden Mandatory & 100% mask use here in Belgium .....but similar results, Belgium may even be worse off at the mo’.... At my kids village school they all line up closely with their masks on to pick up all their little ‘carriers’ that have mixed all day at school together, then repeat the process the next day in
  5. It’s been a great year for oral herpes sufferers ?
  6. Jobs f****d here again. One step forward, three steps back. They took a regional/area approach for a about 5 minutes then panicked! All bars/restaurants/cafes closed from today across Belgium for at least a month, but people I’ve spoke to in hospitality expect it to be for rest of the year. While ikea still pack them in cheek by jowl?? Over reaction? For example on the coast in a Lovely little town called Nieuwpoort where we’ve recently invested, zero cases reported, but shut it all down anyway! Ffs.... ....& of course, most importantly, because it’s all about me, th
  7. I’ve just listened to a very interesting perspective from Mike Yeadon, former scientific adviser for psizer. He’s questioning the ‘science’ being currently put forward by sage. It’s well worth 5 minutes of anyone’s time ?
  8. Yeah I totally agree people are owed, but it won’t be that simple will it? This declaration could well be flawed, like most, I honestly wouldn’t know. But it’s another perspective by people who seem no less qualified than the ‘science’ currently being followed. To completely it rubbish like they are quacks seems a bit rich coming from Hancock........who will of course himself never admit to any failings.
  9. Matt Hancock completely rubbishing the Great Barrington Declaration this week. Certainly be interesting to look back in a couple of years to see if we should of widened the pool of science?
  10. Exactly! I wouldn’t say have I’ve had really bad experiences with GP’s, but it took me a while to realise how limited they actually are & how often they are just guessing! Best avoided if at all possible.
  11. Most of time I will skip a GP here & contact a specialist direct. In the height of lockdown I called a place on a Friday afternoon in Waterloo, had a scan the next morning, returned on Monday for another & told I had two small hernias that morning. It did cost €200, but you claim 80% back. I’ve never had to wait more than a few days for a specialist appointment.
  12. Accip74

    Old knife

    Lovely thing to own ?
  13. Accip74

    22 yr old.

    Kate Bush wrote Wuthering Heights at 19..........................so there!
  14. 100% agree people should take more responsibility for themselves. But if a government is attempting to micro manage people’s lives with various laws in the name of keeping us all safe, then who else do you hold accountable? 100% compliance here & it’s still shit apparently. The only way to avoid this virus is to stay in, which just can’t be done much longer. I think rule breaking is pretty irrelevant.
  15. We do on the whole put way more value on superficial ways of killing time unfortunately. You only have to flick through Netflix to see most of it is utter wank or listen to the endless chatter about what team will do what. But we sign up & pay the fee.
  16. Must watch..... https://www.google.be/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwjNodrHwLPsAhUOmRoKHWWSCb0QuAIwCHoECAoQBQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3Dx_Cizl7ifkA&usg=AOvVaw25axvxBVsgRUzATqc7_yg9
  17. It’s been rife in the states apparently. Anything less than a 1 million dollar request by companies is supposedly pretty easy to get.
  18. You are right, they are clever. That’s why you need a clever opponent......I’m not seeing that yet. I completely understand why he’s there, that’s not a mystery, but a wasted opportunity is. Like you say, whether its 4 or 8 years, we are still a long way off knowing for sure what he will really achieve.
  19. I wonder if he loses will the US deficit suddenly become a big problem? ?
  20. Do adults test themselves as well in the U.K.?
  21. If that’s true that’s great mate, but is there any real evidence for that? I had always took “draining the swamp” to mean Capital hill & that pretty much seems to be business as usual?
  22. I’m glad you said his legacy should be looked at long term. We were suppose to believe the pre-Covid booming economy was his doing within 5 minutes of him taking office!
  23. Draining the swamp, great slogan, but when’s it going to happen?
  24. But there’s little substance to a lot of what he says, it’s manly bluster. That’s why it makes such car crash tv. You only have to see him in an interview that is slightly more challenging than Fox New stroking his ego & he falls apart, quite pathetically..... Speaking as the son of a Yorkshire man, that “I say what I want when I like” attitude, whilst admiral, soon becomes tiresome & a turn off for many ?
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