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Everything posted by Accip74

  1. Imbecile? You’re talking about our only hope! ?
  2. I went through a chicken heart phase. I always use chicken liver for liver/bacon/onion/mash these days. Costs f**k all & comes out as good as calf’s liver ?
  3. I voted labour one time when Blair first got in. I was only 23 at the time, but still remember like it was yesterday telling people I didn’t trust Blair. I voted for him anyway ? It seemed like the right thing to do at the time, but I guess that’s a familiar story for most people....
  4. Yeah fair enough mate. I’m just trying to look at it objectively as possible, as I’m not in favour of labour or Tory either way.
  5. I know politics is obviously high on the agenda, but the tories have encouraged a targeted approach in the hardest hit areas. It stands to reason you are not going to get a blanket response. Burnham could well be wrong with his demands, but I think his concerns are warranted & go beyond politics. The tories have happily handed out highly lucrative contracts based on who you know, rather than what you know. Unsurprising then when an us & them attitude is cultivated.
  6. I think he’s right. If you are going to shut down an area give them the support they need. Plenty of money went to their mates for a track & trace system which ain’t working well. Why should the south west lock down?
  7. Morning mate. I’ll be happy to travel anywhere really. Life’s too short not to & it gives you a greater perspective in life. Which I value highly. The other things on your list I’ve been steadily working on for years anyway, but I’m lucky enough to be able to. A lot of People aren’t & have little choice or don’t realise they have?
  8. I was badger digging a few years back in Germany to control for a hunting syndicate. Those lads were saying cured badger meat was still a thing locally to them. Unfortunately never got a chance to try it. I definitely would of though. Sweetbreads are nice ?
  9. People fighting hard for Trumps corner & he’s calling scientists idiots! He really doesn’t seem get that his ‘base’ alone won’t win this thing.
  10. Don’t get me started on those c**ts! ?
  11. With the Bidens being Christians as well, its a race to see who will out-Christian each other! ??
  12. Here lies another problem though mate. We all know Trump is pretending to be a bible reading Christian for the sake of Christian votes. The evangelists seem quite happy that he’s at least pretending, while many will be left feeling even more cynical about the bloke.
  13. I think there are still big differences. Boris had brexit & Corbyn......which massively stacked the cards in his favour. The American are pretty used to this. On average they pass the baton back & forth every two terms anyway. I think I’m right in saying the states has one of the worst voter turnouts globally & who can blame them?
  14. I have to smile when people keep calling democrats the radical left. Really? Some time ago my yank mate ask me what it was like growing up in a socialist country ?
  15. You know how I feel mate. I think they are all as bad as each other. Republicans had no problem electing an upscale Manhattan crook did they? ?
  16. One election in the U.K. doesn’t make a summer.
  17. It’s not about Joe either though is it? You think people are really voting for Joe Biden? They are either life long dems or simply voting Trump out. Its not about Joe, it’s about Kamala Harris. I doubt Joe is even capable of finishing one term & everybody knows it ?
  18. Heard an interesting stat this morning mate. That it works out about only 2% of American voters are undecided. Which indicates the election may not even be close? I still wouldn’t bet any money on it though! ?
  19. Anyone think track & trace should be used beyond hospitality? The biggest venue in the country here has 1000s of people passing through its doors on a daily basis unchecked. Apparently it’s far too dangerous to go see a band, but picking up cheap flat pack furniture en masse has little risk ?
  20. To be honest mate when it comes to masks I’m not that concerned with the ‘infringement of liberties’ more the validity behind there use. Also the contradictory nature of rules, but I don’t really blame governments for that, it’s public demand apparently & what could be more contradictory than shutting one section of society down while leaving another open? I don’t know what it’s like in the U.K. , but before hospitality just got got shut down here, the terraces outside the cafes/restaurants were filled with the elderly enjoying the sun mask free, while I’m supposed to mask up as I wal
  21. It’s a good point about particularly bad years of flu that kill the elderly & vulnerable. Maybe this has set a precedent & in future we will be far more careful or maybe restricted during bad flu years?
  22. I understand what you’re saying mate, I really do. I’ll happily wear a mask (I have to anyway) to avoid shutting stuff down, but unfortunately here they’ve just proven there’s no correlation between wearing masks & not shutting stuff down! That’s without getting into types of masks........you seen many people with the N95 masks on that actually work? I think I can count the ones I’ve seen on one hand. Any old face covering will do as long as the rules are followed. What about a conversation on the immune system & personal physical condition? I might be sceptical about th
  23. Just blindly follow the rules & we’ll shut down hospitality.....f**k the Jews! ?
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