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Everything posted by Accip74

  1. Are they not still counting some states 3 weeks later? Hardly surprising on the night things changed
  2. 4 is too much for me to count.......obviously ?
  3. Trump lost the popular vote last time, then spent 4 years polarising the country even more, but still gained 10 million votes Im not surprised at all Biden got more than Obama........obviously way more people were motivated to vote & made far easier by mail in ballot. It’s not rocket science ffs ?
  4. Are we talking a 79 million vote kind of fraud? Or just a few hundred thousand? I’m genuinely confused
  5. Apparently trump supporters have abandoned Fox in their droves because they heard something objective
  6. I know mate, I wouldn’t of thought that for a second. Obviously Trump does strange things to some people ?
  7. Mate if you are happy to tar me with some kind of child abuse sympathiser brush to make a point, then crack on! Clearly your infatuation with Trump has brought you to a low place. Good luck ?
  8. I know I’m not going to be popular saying this ?, but even if there were a few hundred thousand fraudulent votes, 79 million people still went out & voted for Biden. Ignoring that seems a tad silly?
  9. Just heard the same. Strange thing to do if he was about to prove the biggest voter fraud in history?
  10. Berlin Calling on Netflix. A German film from 2008, not sure how this one escaped me until now? About a DJ suffering drug psychosis. A bit like One Few Over the Cuckoos Nest meets Human Traffic ?
  11. If in doubt find a YouTube video that makes it plausible ?
  12. When I said norm I just meant typical establishment politicians that offer nothing new within the US system. Just a familiar feeling after Trump ? I couldn’t even begin to speculate on the rest of your post, but I’m sure many years of uncertainties will become the norm unfortunately
  13. Very true, but it has struck me that him more than most I’ve seen has played that game. But I don’t think his ego could allow it any other way. That’s why his main weapon is Twitter. He knows the biggest war is on the internet. That’s where most of the vitriol is played out & he more than most has capitalised on that.
  14. It wouldn’t surprise me out of a 150 million votes
  15. He just shouldn’t be there mate. But equally I believe trump shouldn’t. He’s just so unhealthy for that nation. Absolutely no interest in anything other than his base & just feeds off keeping people divided. That just can’t be right going forward.
  16. Waaay back on this thread we went back & forth on this subject & I agreed it could end up being the catalyst for something better, but it could equally signal a return to the norm because so many would be turned off by trump & vote for whoever was opposite, no matter who!
  17. Be honest wilf you’ve changed your tune a tad. A while ago it was a Trump landslide happily predicted. Now you can’t understand how anybody can vote for both? Some of us have been saying that all along mate ?
  18. Hope I’m not going to be eating humble pie in 3 weeks ??
  19. Ok so the 14th is the cut off point for evidence?
  20. Just seems strange that we are led to believe that this election because of the circumstances was ripe for voter fraude, but it didn’t occur to any trump supporter to try it? Just an honest bunch? ?
  21. But no irregularities going the other way?
  22. Lads if Trump had narrowly won with the electoral college votes, who thinks we would be talking about Dominion now?.........anybody? Theres a difference of 5 million votes overall isn’t there?
  23. Let’s be honest the polls didn’t look good for him & was going to do anything to discredit the results. He’s completely predictable
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