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Everything posted by Accip74

  1. I think it’s probably more the fact that people feel under pressure to comply & just get on & take it. That’s unprecedented in this time scale. I sincerely hope it is effective. Vaccines are not something I’ve ever really given much thought to, so I’m definitely not against them, but I’d still like to see how it pans out for a few years. I have no fear of the virus myself, so it would just be for others sake in my case.
  2. If you want a real laugh check out Dr Steve Turley on YouTube ?
  3. Yeah I’m sure they’ve ticked all the boxes mate apart from the long term one obviously. I’m just highlighting the fact you don’t need to be an anti-vaxxer to have concerns. I haven’t spoke to a single person yet that haven’t got reservations, none of which were anti-vaxxers. What I find more odd is people already rationalising the idea of it being made mandatory or at least mandatory by proxy?
  4. That’s a legitimate concern in my eyes, a far cry from being an anti-vaxxer. Even my mum who takes the flu jab every year has reservations about taking it this soon & she’s spent the best part of the year holed up in her house.
  5. Bill Barr is clearly in on the conspiracy mate, don’t believe the lies.........It’s a con job I tell you!!!
  6. I think that’s a bit over simplified. It will depend on residency rules/laws within countries & how long residents have had their agreements.
  7. The trouble with Gervais is that he is Ricky Gervais in everything he does. I tried a few minutes of afterlife, maybe I should give it another go?
  8. Just get your f***ing muzzles on & stop acting like those well known savages..........the dutch & swedish
  9. How did you get hold of that?? ?
  10. I can remember it, just can’t say it in one attempt! ?
  11. Treat them like you would a wank sock
  12. Don’t forget as well in the last 10 years it’s so much more accessible with the internet & utube. In the past you needed to really concentrate on the news or pick up a broad sheet. Now everyone’s got a strong opinion after 30 minutes on utube or twitter.
  13. Yeah a lot of these folk obsessing with trump won’t know the name of their local MP ? Before anyone spits their dummy I’m not talking about lads on this thread....
  14. It will take less time to clear ?
  15. My brother got verbally abused in the early days in London for wearing a mask. People calling him a c**t & all sorts ?
  16. I’ve actually found the complete opposite here & I’m not just saying that ? All blacks/Africans I’ve seen have been bang on the masks way before it was mandatory. I’m not talking just in shops, but walking down the street....everywhere! ....it was so noticeable in the early days I remember telling my Mrs, because I assumed it was because of early reports of blacks being disproportionately effected? That said, in shops you won’t see anyone at all here without one, ever.
  17. It was announced last night that hospitality has little chance of opening before 1st February in Belgium. However shops will re-open on the 1st of December, which is great! But I can’t help thinking that ikea opening its doors to thousands of people on a daily basis & those people touching all the products & surfaces, is any safer than a little restaurant following good protocols?
  18. It’s all in good humour mate ?
  19. I’ll survive either way ?
  20. If you can afford to, give your local hospitality some support when possible ?
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