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Everything posted by Accip74

  1. & what if they don’t find anything mate? When judges stop throwing all these cases out, what is it now 40-50? I’ll happily take it seriously. From what we a led to believe fraud isn’t even being claimed under oath in front of an actual judge, so what’s the story there? If it’s all on tape it shouldn’t be too hard to prove should it?
  2. So if it happened 3 days ago we can’t talk about it now? Trump lost a month ago & that’s still quite topical ?
  3. That final the other night had me beat. Half way through that final frame I just thought “I don’t f***ing care who wins this, enough!” & went to bed. I still don’t know who won it....?
  4. Wow! Some of that Georgia rally is worth a watch just out of morbid curiosity. A fascinating, yet disturbing insight into mass-manipulation in real time. To be kind you would describe these people as victims, although thoughts of Jerry Springer are never far away.....
  5. Funny enough my mates from back home who own a building firm employ a bloke well in his 70s. He don’t need the money, just wants to stay active. We’ve all known him for years, he’s the best labourer they’ve had! No joke.
  6. It’s true they have the knowledge.......if only they could remember where they put it ?
  7. Lin Wood.....what a guy!
  8. The real weirdos sniff clean knickers
  9. Oh ok all the judges are in on the scam too. I thought that would be the case
  10. There was a print out copy on paper of each vote mate
  11. It would be far easier to take seriously if all the apparent evidence hadn’t been dismissed by each judge or all the contested states hadn’t already been certified.
  12. Your 20s are for needlessly blowing money, your 30s you try to make amends & when you get to your 40s you look back wishing you could do it all again! ?
  13. I’ve seen some terrible stuff said on here.....Grenfell comes to mind, where kids were burnt alive. Not too much outrage then either.....
  14. Yeah I get that mate, but you just wouldn’t have those ‘school disco’ nights now only 10 + years on. Things have changed because we are much more sensitive to even the slightest suggestion. Crime against children has always been & will always remain the worst thing man can do. But that’s not the point of the thread.
  15. It’s much more sensitive these days, even in the last 10 years. People can’t wait to start screaming nonce! Remember 10-15 years ago the ‘school disco’ nights where all the women were dressed up as school girls? I can’t remember anyone screaming nonce then?
  16. How will the votes be counted? You can’t be too careful these days....
  17. To be fair mate I don’t think those involved with the vote counting will be investigating voter fraud. That’s not how things work.
  18. I did the same. It looked promising at the beginning ?
  19. Preemptive pardons are just an admission of guilt mate ?
  20. “Mail in ballots hidden under a rock” ?? It’s hardly surprising few take this mans claims of fraud seriously after 4 years of openly bullshiting The boy who cried wolf
  21. But it seems they are not presenting this stuff in court or anything convincing? A real hearing surely would be more than a bunch of trump loyalists in a function room listening to stuff they desperately want to hear? ?
  22. I wonder when the real hearings will start? Instead of all these staged press opportunities dressed up to look like real hearings....
  23. So you believe Bill Barr has been miss quoted then?
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