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Sammy Labhound

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Everything posted by Sammy Labhound

  1. My Sammy dog got his first champion rosette here =D was the day I decided all lurcher and terrier shows need a gundog ring with a x bred class that counts towards the champion!! He got another 1st in working class last weekend along with reserve champ!! I love having a lab x lurcher!! But more shows need this ones gundog ring!!! Cudos on making me aware of the brilliant catagory as planning on setting up a show in my village near tavistock next year and means it offers even more variety =) also thanks for an overall great day out really enjoyed it especially with my boy getting his first c
  2. Lol yh he has a surprisingly large fan bas Of people all over devon who want to see how he is!! Think its because a cripple rescued a real problem dog and now have him training as an assistance dog, therapy dog, and gundog/lurcher work after being a nervous wreck with real aggression issues (all been sorted now and he is in my opinion a perfectly behaved dog by any standards.....wish I could same for pup already haha!!) Luckily he is intelligent enough to enjoy learning all of this, Even piddling around with agility to keep him busy.....I think part of me is trying to make up for his first 10m
  3. And thanks guys, am pretty clued up with normal training regulations as it were, like not nagging, or constantly repeating things (or like my bloody grand giving them constant treats to "make them behave" when they are barking jumping up etc, well with my mums and her dogs, these two have both learnt they get sod all until they are calm!) Also she is a hefty great lump (well if you have fibromyalgia and me and lost all the muscles that working with horses had given you!) So she isn't cuddled all that often, I'll occasionally sit down with her when she is calm, and Sam spent along time not gett
  4. lab x grey, has actually turned out to be a lab x whippet/collie! He is in the profile pic, but added my girls breeder on Facebook and after cross referencing who she sold too and who I rescued from, we have concluded he was bred by the same woman!! He is basically a "skinny"/healthy looking lab with a slightly different head.....and longer tail hair (which is why I was rather confused about him being the straight gh cross!)
  5. Was a good show! Managed to get best cross breed gundog and the gundog champion with my lurcher!! I do like shows like that, although it seemed a little unfair that in the overall championship they didn't even look at him, even if the other two were better the judges from the terrier and lurcher ring doing the best in show could have at least looked his way instead of making me feel like I'd walked into the wrong ring!! But it Was A good day and the terrier ans other lurcher did deserve the best in show places!!
  6. Hi all I have recently got my lab x greyhound a friend, and hoping she will mature into a good worker, she is greyhound x saluki x whippet x border and bearded collie, one hell of a mouthful is anyone asks! Finally managed to get her to stay still but still not the best picture in the world! She is now 11weeks so basically any opinions in breeding and confirmation would be loved, and also if anyone has seen a similar cross working just wondering how good they are? My lab lurcher is the first dog/lurcher/rescue/problem dog i had Dealt with. he was a nervous aggressive dog that hadn't left his
  7. High quality food is a must (High vaulity doesnt mean the most expensive either XD), add Raw eggs a few times a weeks,oily fish once a week (i use a tin of sardines usually) ALOT of regular grooming will get all those secreting oils spread evenly over the whole coat, and also remove the dead dry hair that will not be shiny and can give a healthy dog a dull looking coat.dont bath often, if they get covered in mud just rinse them with water, and if they really stink after eg rolling in fox crap make sure you use a dog conditiner (the dogs trust do some great shampoos and conditioners and also dr
  8. Just wondering if you found the cause/sorted the problem? I know impacted anal sacks (they're not glands, but even knowing that I still end up saying glands!) Can cause problems near the actual bum, seen pictures if abscesses caused by impacted sacks around rhe top of the legs near the anus. My Sam's backside ends up bright red from his constant licking if they are getting problems and when I found out how much it would cost to have his bright red ass diagnosed and treated when I had already wormed and deflead him I decided to do it and it cleared in hours, for the price of three gloves and so
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