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Everything posted by GSkye

  1. Given the age, I still think this should be a punishable offence.
  2. You will not be dissapointed mate. Its nothing but LUSH Trying to fatten me up, I bet hahaha. This an all time fave?
  3. You will need to scrape quite a few lad. but it will be worth every penny! As always, thinking of saving up about a grand and getting a decent HW100 set up (inc divers bottle)
  4. The same here, Weihrauch is really growing on me between the 98 and the 100
  5. Ohhhhhh, I see what you mean now, bloody baby chair ("(-.-) They look pretty cool but doubt it'd ever hold my weight
  6. That's pretty cool anyway, let alone a gimmick to promote a good cause. Thanks for sharing Not tried it yet?
  7. That 98 is going down a treat, I see
  8. That HW100 is looking tempting Skot, think I may have to scrape some pennies together.
  9. That's a nice box full, I see your keeping a tally of the kills too. Well done
  10. Looks ace, never tried cherry wine but always a first ^_^
  11. Liking this, once I kill some rabbits I've go this bookmarked after prepping the meat and buying the ingredients
  12. As in a babies high chair? …can't say i have. Surely Gumtree will have things like that going cheap
  13. http://thesurvivalpodcast.com/forum/index.php?topic=35405.0 Just a little google result
  14. No I understand and totally agree. An introduction to New Members helps us get to know you as well as a blurb on your profile page too Joining in on the forum, you'll pick up some friends and potential customers too. Grae
  15. www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/store/product/1-donations/ Here's what Moxy was regarding. ATB and welcome to the forum, Grae
  16. Same again with the previous post, I'm sure one of the members will move this appropriately. What rifles or hunting will you be doing? This could help anyone joining you for the right sport. Grae
  17. Just out of interest, are you new to the sport? Do you have a shotgun license or a Fire Arms Certificate (FAC)? If your new, I'd look for someone on here who'd be willing to show you the ropes and you can decide for yourself if its for you or not Grae
  18. Hi Jake, A belated welcome to the forum from myself Just a heads up buddy, the New members section is mainly for introductions If you're after a specific type of air rifle you can post in here: Shotguns and Rim/Centerfire. www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/forum/7-rimfire-centrefire-shotguns/ Or here for Air Rifles www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/forum/131-airguns-spring-precharged/ However, I'm sure one of the nice kind Moderators will move this appropriately for you All the best and enjoy your stay here. Grae
  19. Not a bad time to be in to fishing where they any good or you prefer something a bit better?
  20. Wow! Wish I had the funds Where in the WM are you living? For interest of the sale
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