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Everything posted by desertedshore

  1. Interesting about the tail. Still , maybe there's something else in there. Although I won't let him off here because of the road/ neighbour's, when he has gotten out, he has not bolted further than a hundred or so yards and never minds being collected. If there is something to chase though, I would put money on him running it down until caught or exhaustion. He is incredibly movement orientated and is a sprinter. His recall is good for the right reward and he isn't that fussed over grabbing dead things. If they move, he's all there. Fact is, he can't stay here. We have been trying to w
  2. Like I said, this is his normal walk. It was 10am on Saturday and 30 degrees, I'd be shocked if any of the trails were hot! I can't show you a hunt at the mo as I have never taken him. He has a muzzle but letting him off lead here risks him rushing into a major road or going for my neighbour's pheasant pen. He is a good dog but he needs an outlet and this hobby ain't for me. You're right, i do like him and the last thing I want is for him to go from pillar to post. If anyone nearby (Forest/Ross way) can offer me the opportunity to bring him out and do some training, maybe it'll help. offer
  3. I don't know enough about hunting to answer on this but I will have a go at uploading a video later and you can see what he's like on a normal walk. I never take him out hunting as it's not my thing. I think he has a lot of potential that we are not letting him fulfill. Make your own mind up if I get the video up. He will also dig on a strong scent. Usually we let him do this for a bit when he does as he loves it.
  4. Thank you. Terrier by trait, lurcher by looks. Believed to be terrier x whippet. Looks stunning like a miniature wolfhound but just to focussed on hunting for a non hunting household.
  5. I have a 3 yo knee high lurcher. Neutered male. He is too predatory for a pet home and I feel he would do well in a working home. Very focussed. Gives voice. Very loving with people. Not to be trusted with cats, birds or small furries. Best suited to a rural home. More interested in finding the right home than anything else. Open to discussion. (sorry if pic is not upright. having trouble!!)
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