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Everything posted by lurcher115

  1. aa s200 is a great gun and not to hard on the pocket bsa superten another good gun aswell you wouldn't go wrong with any of these two. both good in the field and both deadly accurate .
  2. lo mate nice pup you got there welcome
  3. that's a great offer ive jst started up and it costs a fortune . your a good man hopefully it will inspire some new blood into the game !
  4. wacky racers banana splits mr pippkin thunder birds ufo bill n ben the lone ranger they were the days glued to the tv lol
  5. no not me im with scothunter on this one
  6. beddie x wippets are good little dogs mate I had one years ago murdered bunnys in the lamp brill for taking them out the squat to
  7. realy great thread what a buzzzz nice 1 guys thanks keep the vids coming
  8. nice one rabbiting man ive always wanted to give longnetting a try and never have im going to have ago at making me one
  9. I lurcher115,iam also new to the site.i hunted and worked terriers in Shropshire with a well known terrier man bert gripton who was just off the a5 shifnal area.had some great times working terriers and hunting with hounds.beautiful part of the country. funny that I knew burt really well when I was way younger 1980s I used to stay at hes little house and go hunting with him he used to do a fare bit of digging with my old man I lived in telford then he was a good man bless hes sole I went up to the lake district with him a few times in hes little mini van full of terriers
  10. hi trigger2 I have a suluki bull grey bitch just 16month old stands 23 tts mate
  11. hi folks im new to THL great site you have here . I hope to make some new friends im into long dogs shooting fishing any field sports but my pashion is for lurchers
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