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Dead Eyes

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Everything posted by Dead Eyes

  1. I've googled and I'm struggling to find one around Maidstone / Medway
  2. I know a decent supplier in Essex - I asked the zookeeper at Colchester where they get theirs from!
  3. That's not a hell of a bargain for beef and depending how it's been dried you willLose a lot of the goodness in the process ... you can get beef mince for between 50 - 70p a lb from most pet food suppliers ....... And considering I can get chicken carcasses for £6 for 20 kgs then it's dam expensive ........ Best in mind the rehydrated weight of that (I'm imagining) will be 4x that, so 60kg Yeah mine had the squirts on it last time, but I think that's because all 3 shared a bowl full without rehydrating it first, so obviously expanded in them Where do you get mince from? I curre
  4. They're a dried beef shavings product that you can buy online for feed. I *think* you're supposed to rehydrate it first and it's a hell of a bargain - like £25 ish for 15 kg of dried meat
  5. Does anyone feed them? I did for a while but think I was doing it wrong and it didn't really agree with my dogs. Very tempted to try it again
  6. I know a man that's both. Good man to know
  7. What's she like, work wise? Pm if you'd prefer
  8. Bacup looks like down town fallujah now mate. Fecking shit holeSadly the way most of its going ,eats me to the core. Has anyone seen that carry on in Sunderland recently?
  9. Isn't (wasn't) Deneside Belle the fastest about ?
  10. It's a horrible thing to happen to you
  11. Seems an odd statement. What's your definition of a good lurcher then?
  12. I used a woman named Tina Gay on Facebook for my show collars. They're the webbing type and customised however you'd like them Their day to day collars cost £1 each at Dagenham
  13. I've got a yellow one named Havana (after Havana Club) a seal one named Pepsi and a black one named Kraken
  14. One from my Krakens litter became available, so I bought it for a supposed pal with the proviso that I had breeding and working rights I don't know the breeder or the seller so ive no problem putting my hand in my pocket for what I want Anyway, cut a long story short, I'd sooner have lost the money and realised the guy isn't to be trusted before I actually needed to trust him c**t
  15. I was robbed of a pup under an agreement that went sour. Went round to the guys house to fix it and he called the law. Now hes saying my behaviour has been threatening and he's gotta call 999 if I am in contact again
  16. You may very well do if it isn't put right. I've been tied up in all kinds of legal knots it seems
  17. Does he still have that little red stud dog? I'd know the name if someone says it Is it his main stud? Or his main *public* stud?
  18. Questions answered outside of here. Give the man chance to put things right
  19. To hang a spring pole on doubt to hang a spring pole on. You might be right actually If anyone wants that type of thing then Dog Gear Ltd is a good shout. The Dog Emporium is also decent
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