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Dead Eyes

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Everything posted by Dead Eyes

  1. I'm not a ratting man, but can't knock those that are - I understand having a passion for the dogs! This might seem a little far fetched, but there's a real opportunity for the right guys here. There's not many a place better to aware people than this forum either. South Georgia is a seabirds paradise. Its also a British colony plagued by rats. So much so, that they've just hit the headlines for the largest ever poison and eradication project. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-23143430 http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2013/jul/04/worlds-largest-rat-extermination
  2. As it goes, my aunt used to have an egg farm in the Ribble Valley and she reckons that the best ratting dog she had was a springer bred down from my fathers gun dog
  3. whats his initials? I may know him from way back when...
  4. I recognised that land as soon as I saw it. Location confirms!
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