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Dead Eyes

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Everything posted by Dead Eyes

  1. That dumb f***ing dog walked into the damn tree. Horrible, horrible fear biting shitbags. Take hold and keep hold
  2. Are they coming from the north, being ferried across? Just wondering how passports etc would turn out without chips. From the north is always easy enough though
  3. Thought dog cloning was illegal in this country?
  4. If there are any 'pure' minshaws left then I for one would want all of them You see, its such a small gene pool from a single breeder that the b*****d things would be so inbred by now theyd have somewhere around 8 legs and two heads, with just one body to feed You could run them doubled up, without even meaning to...
  5. I have family there that I've never met, that's why I ask. They used to live quite close to the castle ruins
  6. How big is Ehremont? Population wise? I've been there a few times as a youngster and I always see it mentioned on hunting boards
  7. What are they good for? Putting my nan in hospital with an ulcer on her leg from her daft pup. I keep trying to get her to gift it to me. He's coming up to a year and has been catching rats for a good 6 months and more recently cats. Farm bred, left to their own devices to keep pests down Wouldn't mind seeing what he could do in a field
  8. Its all my land after 12 said what I was saying a bit better. Let's compare lurchers to pits You might have a gh that is fast as you like but it won't catch too much by itself. Cross that with a terrier and you're going to keep most of the speed but add in a little more grit Cross with a saluki or collie for stamina With pits you take a dumb (or dead) game line and cross it with a hard mouthed line for a box dog Jeep/redboy for example Or jeep/redboy/jocko The jrbj LINEBRED dogs always need some extra vigour at one point or another The best lines nowadays s
  9. Well. Al the ones ye English have been given are prob trainable obedient and totally adorable.the proper working wheaten line would never be passed on to people who spend their days on the hunting life and rightly so. So how would you know this then?
  10. It's a handsome thing that
  11. If you already have an idea in mind then youve probably seen the stamp of a dog you like. Once you get 2 bitches and 2 male, of seperate breedings, along with 2 other studs, of the type you're wanting I.e.; good workers, consistant coats etc. Then you may be good to go - you can breed from these and not cross genetic paths till 4th gen or so I think that works out right
  12. Or you could post your dogs out of two first crosses, still making it 50/50 Nothing wrong in that...
  13. I know it's an old topic, but those long tails are slimey little b*****ds so I'm sure they're not all gone just yet Plant mint up and down the hedgerow. I know it sounds strange but they have a really acute sense of smell (and my grandfather swears by it). I'd get dogs in there first though. Mint'll only move them elsewhere
  14. I'm on my phone so I can't see your location. There's a couple of second hand shops in Brighton that do them, both down the lanes. Pm me of you're far away and I'll have a look for you next weekend
  15. That's a lovely looking dog, although that head seems to be from something other than what I know as 'bull'. I think I could hazard a guess at what. Either way - its a fine looking animal that seems more than capable! Could you expand on the 'aluant programme' or point me to somewhere else? Pm if you prefer. Sounds interesting Thanks bud
  16. That's a nice looking pup Actually, it looks a Nice place too! Atb
  17. can I ask how much she runs them They have a sled and harness that they use in the winter, and they get out a lot more than most dogs I know too. Perhaps its not enough for those type of dogs? I dunno? They're friendly enough, but unless a dog is specifically for fighting other dogs then it shouldnt be fighting other dogs
  18. Cannot stand huskies. My ex's sister breeds them. In the 3 years or so that I was with her, whilst they had them, they killed 3 dogs that they knew The other sisters Cavalier, which went down just as well as you can imagine, their own newborn pup and their own year-or-so old pup too Not kennel dogs at all
  19. Funny you say that - there was supposed to have been a big dog fight at dagenham market today... I didnt see it, but i did see the RIOT police that came to deal with it. If they was a dog they'd be called a jacker!
  20. Aye, but they've got a £2m budget to do it again in 24 months too Sounds like they'd e grateful for the help... P
  21. Pet passports are far easier to get than you'd imagine, I've been led to believe. If someone does this kinda thing full time, or for a living, or is lucky enough to be retired then this seems golden. If it was my scene then I'd call them, ask for transport and accomodation to be sorted, and charge 30p a rat or something? Im unsure what the rates are for terrier clearance but I do know what a pest controller can charge just for a feckin' callout! A lot of guys probably clear rats for free, just for the love? Anyway, I hope someone gives them a call - the worst they can say is 'no'! a
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