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Dead Eyes

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Everything posted by Dead Eyes

  1. La Sportiva is the brand he uses. Can't fault them supposedly
  2. My mate wears mountaineering boots, I can't remember the name but I'll find out and get back to you I live me a pair of timberlands personally. Good prices, waterproof and really built to last. I *think* that they still give a lifetime guarantee too? Couple with para cord laces and you've got something very sturdy there I've inadvertently started wearing my Panama Jacks this year. They're also fantastic
  3. Its a rescue - 8 months old, so still plenty of chance I'd got my dates wrong so I'll go on the 8th to see it. I may take the thing anyway, regardless of what happens on the day Anyone know what rescue centres are like about hunting? I'm thinking they may not be too ready to part with the dog if they know - pure ignorance if so
  4. I've a bit of an obsession with gwp's at the moment. I'm sure that one of those would suit your needs too
  5. Yeah, I thought it might have been a stupid comment once I posted it, but couldn't edit it on my phone! Atvb
  6. Shes a beaut! Someone Called theirs Piper, so yours could be Maris Or Teal, as in a pronunciation of THL someone else suggested Mandela, so why not Winnie? She's a black bitch after all... Or Patti; as we all know what bushing dog you'd have preferred! Oh, and Macmillan please...
  7. Putting any dog straight on boar is a big ask, even purpose bred dogs are often intro'd through pen training and whatnot Good luck with it though, I'm going to look at a gwp today
  8. I see that picture of the sire on pets4homes the other month, in the fellas right hand was a sand? Bitch that was for sale The chocolate one always stood out as a cracker though - great looking pup
  9. They're meant to be a tool and a half, although I couldn't honestly give you any first hand experience of them
  10. My old dog would not put a mark on anything except hares. They came back crushed. Could be nothing, I certainly wouldn't worry just yet if it was a one off Probably was kicked as a youngster?
  11. I know, I don't expect anything to come from it to be honest. Worth a shot though, be wonderful if I could find anything further out
  12. Probably a long shot, but I'm looking for a line of Springers from the Ribble Valley/ Preston The dog I'm really interested in was called Brandy and was originally bred in '84 from a man who lived just off Cromwell road in Preston. He was PTS in 2000 Brandy only sired sired 2 litters so this will probably not get anywhere but it's worth a shot Anyone know anything ?
  13. If this is something genuinely worrying then build your own farraday cage - that should stop them taking the data. Keep your phone in your newly adapted game bag They are honestly eroding our rights though - these kinda laws are passed on the back of terrorism and things, and now they stop and search white guys in provincial towns under laws designed for terrorism suspects. They're right c**ts too - I had a phone seized illegally in September and didnt get it back for 9 weeks. They told me when seized that I'd probably have it back that same day I had to go right to the head of Legal Ser
  14. Would it be bannable to put known names up on here? Then locals could pop round and look
  15. Really sorry to hear that bud That's a fine looking animal!
  16. Take a copy of the CCTV and hide it, take another and send it to your brief They'll seize it and lose it. Trust me.
  17. Can someone please explain how this fella is any different from Bin Laden Both believed themselves to be fighting for the liberation of their people Both were figureheads of this struggle Both bombed tortured and mrdered innocents Both held incredible weapons stockpiles Both were banned from the USA (until Rice got involved) Both have turned potentially prosperous places in stinking mud holes He did a fantastic job for the blacks of south africa. Now theyre overrun with murderous vigilantism Don't get me wrong, I agree with his message. I disagree wit
  18. Unfortunately it's all coulda woulda shoulda now Best thing you can do is make sure you're not nervous with him around other dogs going forward as he'll pick up on it and, one way or the other, it could ruin him for the future
  19. Lol you joker! I could be wrong, it's happened once or twice before. I'd still like to hear his opinion though
  20. Yup you are They've added dingo to pig dogs and to cattle workers, for example, elsewhere Them Louisiana hounds supposedly have it in em too
  21. Do you ever put any coyote blood into the stags? I should imagine theyd make handy lurchers
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