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Dead Eyes

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Everything posted by Dead Eyes

  1. Why would a fox hole be smaller in America for the same species? Genuine question
  2. Now that's another subject mate and one you'll do time for lol. Folk don't seem to mind elvis groomed presila when she was a kid .. Exactly...wrong ain't it
  3. I thought Elvis was the owner? Maybe I got confused? I'm sure I read that he believed he could get any bitch started with just the right grooming???
  4. Oh really? That's quite interesting... They're vastly different to the original breeders' designs and plans that's for sure
  5. A lad on my Facebook has just got a Serbian Defense Dog - serious tool they are...
  6. Ok, fair point. The point I was trying to make was; if it works, people care less. Honeybunch didnt even turn on until 3 years old I believe...
  7. lol... im wrong... ok... sorry! That's alright, you weren't to know. You're a slippery bugger! I for one enjoy most of your posts but you should have considered law as a calling...!
  8. Bullyson is another is it, as opposed to strictly Honeybunch? That explains the Luther/Mali Laza/Caligula/Sany Boy look too It was said that Honeybunch was an accidental mating from a Spanish pointer but look at what she produced ... And Boston Terriers are from fighting stock - just another breed ruined by kennel clubs. Gamblers Virgil was bought at a flea market so I don't believe his Ped, personally. Gr ch 35 was bought from a hedgemumper for $35 with no known history Working dog men arent as concerned with the breeding, providing it does a job
  9. They'd have had a white patch on them somewhere - even if only a toe It's genetically impossible. In the same way that two liver nosed can have a black, and two blue dogs can't produce a black
  10. In my mind they're all fell terriers. If they're black then they're Pats, but not if they're Black and Tan - because they're lakelands. Unless they're Jagd's. If they're white then I'm not rightly sure If they're red then they're Lakeland or fells. I think. On a more serious note. Two SOLID colour terriers CANNOT produce a white chest or body. It's a scientific impossibility
  11. Stop end is saying that the original footage is abhorrent, not disputing that the KC put it together, I think. I also think that it wouldn't be the first time that the kennel club would have put egos and 'face' first, before ethics
  12. My Havana is a very similar colour but with a slight blue tint and a blue nose Looks don't work but that's how I like them too - you've got yourself a winner there I reckon
  13. I'm following Neil, no recent terrier additions you are saying In which case, agreed
  14. There's no smoke without fire, IMO there's definitely Terrier in there. You'd have to be blind not to see it, of course certain strains that went over the pond had more Terrier blood in them whereas others had more Bulldog blood in them. Maybe the old Terriers added more than just speed and agility, gameness could have been a nice trait of theirs just like the Bulldog. "You'd have to blind not to see it." If you mean that by having 4 legs, a tail and a head they resemble a terrier then I agree but IMO that's where the similarity ends. There's bull blood in most terriers if you go back f
  15. Mate Im not looking to start an argument Im just trying to make sense of what you're posting you said "Her grandfather was amongst the best in Europe, and her father is very young himself but will be considered the best at what he does,", you'd have to have seen hundreds if not thousands of terriers worked regularly throughout several seasons to come out with a statement like that. like I said not looking for an argument You're right to be fair. They're very, very good dogs is a better way of putting it
  16. It's a big statement - and im NOT saying that they're the best foxing dogs whatsoever. Daddy is 2 years old in a few days I've put up my own thread so this isn't derailed
  17. Even if it makes a damn good pet and gets fixed up tidy then shes worth it... But I do hope she works the sod because her parents are both super ugly fuckers!
  18. And to both DillyDog and Accip; You've both far more experienced than me, but I hope you're wrong because she's all bought and paid for!
  19. There's some brilliant blood in the country, but I've seen both her father and grandfather working what they work and that's what made me go for her Her grandfather was amongst the best in Europe, and her father is very young himself but will be considered the best at what he does, in my opinion, before too long Her litter mate brother looks well though
  20. She's a small terrier from hunting stock abroad. Her dam and sire are half siblings, as they share the same father Should make no more than 12kg the breeder believes
  21. She's the runt but she'll be as fat as a pig once she's had a good worm and whatever else she needs May be just be pic though? The guys a very respected breeder in his circle
  22. Might be a bad pic but it looks like it needs a worm and a good feeding She's the runt of the litter and coming from abroad so you'll likely be right on both counts. I'll have her sorted Soon enough though
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