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North Wales --- dig it ---

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Everything posted by North Wales --- dig it ---

  1. Waterloo cup badges wanted. i have a large collection of hunting badges if you require a swap ? Many thanks
  2. Does any one have any info about the show being held on Sunday ?
  3. Need to go on full version if on mobile app
  4. . It wasn't implied at the people who were giving me positive feedback but the ones who just come on the site for a kick saying random stuff :-/ ... And thanks for your info
  5. Looking for something to jump :@... Ha I love you people !!
  6. I was wanting people's opinion on how to help him to jump ?? I don't ask shall I start jumping him at 10 month !! So I gathered information on what people suggested and implemented it this morning, and all is good and well ... Don't get me wrong I'm not pushing him to jump silly gates 20 times a day just the 1 or 2 that's cant be opened !! Thanks
  7. 5 bar gate has been mastered with a person each side calling him on and he loves it !
  8. Hi , I'm having problems with my 10 month lurcher in regards to jumping gates ( closed ones ) He will clear a fence with wire but when we come to a 5 bar gate etc he will hesitate and look for a opening or even push himself through a gap !! Any info would be great full ? ... My idea was to find a gate where it wouldn't be possible for him to push through a gap and encourage him to jump and if that's fails walk on so he will be forced to jump ??? Info people
  9. Thanks for your input :) been out the last couple of nights and since I've been long leading him in the daytime around sheep he knows not to run on them !!! Even when lamping rabbits a couple of meters away he doesn't seam bothered, so things are looking good !!
  10. Just got my hands on a nice 3/4 grey 1/4 bull male. He is 10 months old and the only reason I have him is his owner need money !! So a win win for me, I was told today he was stock Brocken but have found out the other night he has an eye from the sheep !!! And again today while walking him on the sheep !!! I've ordered a shock collar but would love any feed back ???
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