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Bazil brush

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Everything posted by Bazil brush

  1. Lol mate was in the same situation as you till pip1968 give me the advice to use singles, since I have changed a rarely blank when I go out now.
  2. Get yourself a pup in pal less hassle and no risk to your old bitch.
  3. Don't hambug the poor old girl is the only advice i can give you...
  4. You do know twjis is the bushing section pal
  5. My little mut sings on scent dont need to see it at all, you can guarantee theres something there soon as he starts speaking.
  6. Got one on the way pal not the mamba not sure what its called. I do like that catty tho its mint!
  7. They look well fp credit to you.
  8. Lol nice one tyla, feel lost with out mine on a mooch with muts. Heres one I shot earlier.
  9. Yer mate they do the job, have sold all my lithiums and veriable strikers tho as I dont go lamping anymore. That set up will do you right.
  10. Thats a stunning catty I have to say.
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